Yellow discharge without odor and itching in women. Causes of yellow discharge in women

Each representative of the fair sex has an individual vaginal environment and therefore color variations also vary greatly.

In addition, they can be supplemented with odors and unpleasant sensations.

These include:

Itching in the area intimate area;

Burning of the labia and urethra;

Pain in the lower abdomen;

Painful urination.

How is discharge formed and what determines its color? Let's try to figure it out.

How does yellow discharge appear in women?

A myth that should be immediately dispelled - vaginal discharge(vaginal discharge) is normal in healthy woman don't appear. This false information roams the forums and confuses many representatives of the fair half of humanity.

Vaginal discharge consists of the following components:

Cervical mucus;

Secretion of the vaginal glands;

Dead cells;


Epithelium (which consists of inner shell vagina and uterus), dying, combines with mucus and gives it white shade. Vaginal discharge plays the role of natural lubrication of the vagina, preventing infection by harmful microorganisms.

Discharge when menstrual cycle

In the first half they are more viscous and most transparent. In the second they become milky, which is why we got popular name"leucorrhoea". Normally, they should have no odor and also have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane. Yellow discharge in women they can be normal, just like green ones.

The amount of vaginal discharge is not very stable (from 2 to 5 ml per day). At different times, for one woman they can be completely different from each other. Factors influencing their number and color are:


Degree of sexual arousal;

Phase menstrual period.

Normal situation

Many women turned to the doctor with the question: “Which discharge is considered normal and which is not?” It is worth understanding this issue in great detail. First, it’s worth saying that not every discharge that you consider rare is an unhealthy symptom. Normal ranges from clear whitish to slightly yellow. Therefore, there is no need to worry if they suddenly suddenly decide to change the shade.

The minimum amount of vaginal discharge appears immediately after menstruation. After a week it becomes more, and then the process begins to decline. The discharge acquires a creamy consistency, becoming white or yellowish. Younger representatives of the fair sex have a more pronounced character of their education.

Microbes: where are yours and where are others?

Both beneficial and harmful microorganisms play a significant role in the formation of vaginal discharge. Reaching puberty marks a change in their biobalance. During this period, lactic acid bacteria develop especially actively. There are about 109 colonies in 1 ml of secretion. The higher the intensity of the occupants of the female organ, the more fluid it will produce.

Lactobacilli, being normally in the body of a healthy sexually mature woman, produce acid that prevents reproduction pathogenic organisms.

It shouldn't be this way

We've figured out the norm. Now we need to move on to consider the pathological situation. If you notice that there is more vaginal discharge, and in addition there is itching, swelling or burning, you need to go for medical care.

There are some signs of a problematic situation, however, the doctor will be able to accurately diagnose the presence or absence of pathology.

1. The labia become swollen, significant itching appears, and the color of the discharge also changes to green and becomes a cheesy consistency - candidiasis can be suspected. It is a type of fungal infection.

2. The abundance of vaginal discharge, its yellowish tint, fishy odor and the absence of itching with redness are symptoms of trichomoniasis.

3. Bacterial vaginosis(decrease in the number of lactobacilli) is characterized by the abundance and yellowness of discharge from the female organ.

These signs are classic indicators of abnormal functioning of the microflora of the female organ. For example, a doctor can determine thrush without any additional examinations, it can only rely on information about the fluid being released. However, this disease often develops on the basis of another pathology, which needs to be eliminated.

Yellow discharge with an odor in women indicates an inflammatory process. They are often accompanied by itching and burning of the labia. These are signs of gonorrhea (sexual disease). Complications of this disease can even lead to infertility, so it should be treated immediately. Gonorrhea is caused by sexual contact with someone who is sick.

Correct treatment prescribed by a venereologist. ABOUT independent attempts You shouldn’t even think about getting rid of the disease. Modern methods fight against gonorrhea are:



All participants in sexual intercourse must be cured of gonorrhea, otherwise you can become infected again.

Yellow and green

Yellow-green discharge in women may be odorless, which means that natural processes are occurring normally.

However, if there are additional symptoms: burning, pain, itching and unpleasant odor, we can talk about serious pathologies.

These include:

Thrush – caused by the proliferation of fungal microorganisms;

Gonorrhea – inflammatory processes of the urinary tract;

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted pathology, one of the few that can be transmitted through household objects;

Inflammation of a nonspecific nature.

Most of these diseases are sexually transmitted and quickly spread to many organs. genitourinary system.


Yellow discharge in women without odor - every woman has encountered a similar phenomenon.

This type of discharge is not dangerous. It is not a symptom serious illnesses, which means it’s not worth serious worries. However, consultation with a specialist is still necessary. Symptomatic treatment does not bring the desired results. It only delays the appearance of serious problems with female body generally.

Let's find out what is done in a medical institution when such symptoms are detected.

Yellow discharge in women is a sign of some serious diseases, the presence of which cannot be recognized independently.

Therefore, as soon as you discover similar symptoms, you should contact a specialist.

In order to establish the exact cause of the disease, the doctor may need a wide range of objective data. So don’t be lazy to go through the entire prescribed range of tests. This, firstly, will save the specialist’s time, and secondly, will be the key to establishing accurate diagnosis, and as a consequence and treatment.

If for some reason the tests were not prescribed for you, ask the specialist about it again.

Surely it is simply impossible to carry them out at the place of application, but you can do it in another institution.

So, to identify the disease you need pass the following tests:

Bacteriological cultures(taking a vaginal smear for analysis);

Enzyme immunoassay blood (allows you to determine the stage of the disease);

DNA-PCR (polymerase chain reaction).

The most precise method the latter is considered, the probability of an erroneous diagnosis with it is only 5 percent.

Is it possible to get rid of yellow discharge in women?

You have identified an unhealthy yellow discharge. What to do? Yellow discharge in women, the causes of which are unclear, should be considered as signs of potential danger. If you have already been diagnosed, then you should follow the prescribed treatment.

If you decide that you can cope with the disease yourself, you should not self-medicate or follow traditional methods.

Firstly, you will waste time, which can be detrimental to your health.

Secondly, it can cause other, more serious diseases or allergic reactions.

Therefore, as soon as you realize that something is threatening the health of your genitourinary system, immediately make an appointment with a gynecologist. Remember that before going to a specialist, you should not take medications whose exact effects you do not know.

You should also not do aspirating, as this may negatively affect the results of the tests prescribed for you.

Most diseases that cause yellow vaginal discharge are sexually transmitted.

Therefore, during the treatment process, it is important that your partner also undergoes examination and subsequent treatment. If there were several partners, everyone must undergo treatment, otherwise there may be a risk of illness.

If a woman has yellow discharge again? Why is rehabilitation so important?

You completed a course of treatment and the symptoms disappeared, so you can avoid seeing a gynecologist for another couple of years?

Do not under any circumstances ignore final appointments with a specialist.

In addition to treatment, diseases of the gynecological spectrum require rehabilitation.

This is due to a number of factors:

1. Such diseases require not only individual selection strong antibiotics, but also a course of concomitant medications that prevent their possible harmful effects to other organs.

2. Gynecological diseases are often caused by excessive proliferation of bacteria living in the microflora of the genital organs. And this happens due to problems with the immune system (with its weakening). Therefore, after getting rid of the infectious disease, you may be prescribed general course immunomodulators.

3. Rehabilitation actions are not just a guarantee that the disease will not overtake you again in the near future. This is a guarantee of restoration of the total loss of strength that the body spent on healing.

How to avoid yellow discharge? Prevention

Prevention is the key to health. It is better to reduce the likelihood of the disease occurring altogether than to treat it. After all, any illness does not arise out of nowhere. Many factors contribute to this, but we can reduce them, or even eliminate them altogether.

Prevention of gynecological diseases is actually very simple, just follow a series of next steps:

Visit a gynecologist once every six months;

Have a blood test and vaginal smear at least once a year;

Don't ignore physical activity;

Use contraception during sexual intercourse.

Observe balanced diet;

Maintain basic hygiene;

Avoid high humidity and hypothermia of the genitourinary system;

Have sexual contact with trusted partners.

Following these simple rules will significantly reduce the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system. After all, a woman’s health is the key to her happiness.

In women, discharge from the genital organs is a normal physiological process, but often its presence or change in characteristics should be an alarming signal.

Yellow discharge in women can be both normal and evidence of a developing infection.

If you notice such discharge in yourself, you are alarmed by the color, smell and abundance, do not waste time, contact your gynecologist to either eliminate it as soon as possible possible diseases, or begin adequate treatment.

Standard options

The amount of discharge varies from transparent whitish to slightly yellow. Therefore, there is no need to worry if they suddenly decide to change color unexpectedly.

Let's study when the nature of the discharge is considered normal:

  1. The amount of discharge per day does not exceed one teaspoon. During menstruation, sexual intercourse or before it, the amount of discharge increases slightly.
  2. As a rule, they should not be thick or abundant, but some changes may occur during menstruation or ovulation, for example, the appearance of mucous discharge.
  3. The discharge should not leave bright marks on bedding or underwear. If the color of the discharge is slightly yellowish, but does not leave noticeable marks, then this is normal.
  4. Discharge in a healthy woman should not be accompanied by unpleasant smell. Sometimes vaginal discharge has a slightly sour odor, which is due to the predominance of lactic acid bacteria in the vagina, which create an acidic environment.

In addition, normal yellow discharge is not accompanied by subjective symptoms such as itching, burning or discomfort in the external genital area.

Causes of yellow discharge in women

Any changes in the color and odor of vaginal fluid can serve as a signal of the development of an infectious disease or inflammation.

The most popular diseases that cause yellow discharge:

  • salpingitis;
  • STIs (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis);
  • allergic reaction;
  • after an induced abortion;
  • allocations for different terms gestation.

If the yellowish leucorrhoea becomes too profuse, causing increased itching, hyperemia of the external genital organs, I have a pronounced putrid smell, combined with pain symptoms, a violation of the urination process, you should consult a gynecologist.

Yellow discharge with an odor in women

Foul-smelling vaginal discharge most often indicates the presence of an STD.

  1. : when examining the vagina, yellow discharge is visible emerging from the cervical canal and flowing down the walls of the vagina.
  2. : leucorrhoea profuse, foamy, greenish or yellowish, with a pungent putrefactive odor.
  3. : The volume of discharge is moderate, the color is yellowish-white. May be accompanied by bleeding that does not correspond to the cycle, pain of the “lowered belt” type - lower back, lower abdomen, inner thighs.

It could also be:

  1. . Observed curdled discharge, white or yellow in color, with a sour odor that intensifies upon contact with air.
  2. Manifestations are more erased. This may include characteristic vaginal discharge, itching in the genital area, redness of the vaginal mucosa, etc.
  3. Bacterial vaginitis– Leucorrhoea profuse, grayish-white, with the smell of rotting fish.

Such diseases require compulsory treatment, so you need to see a specialist.

Yellow-green discharge in women

If there are additional symptoms: burning, pain, itching and unpleasant odor, we can talk about certain pathologies.

Yellow-green discharge in women occurs in the following situations:

  1. Thrush – caused by the proliferation of fungal microorganisms;
  2. Gonorrhea – inflammatory processes of the urinary tract;
  3. Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted pathology, one of the few that can be transmitted through household objects;
  4. Bacterial vaginosis - it is characterized by an odor rotten fish;
  5. Inflammation of a nonspecific nature.

Most of these diseases are sexually transmitted and quickly spread to many organs of the genitourinary system. Any inflammatory processes without adequate treatment become chronic, often recurrent, and can lead to infertility.

During pregnancy

In the background hormonal changes, vaginal discharge may become profuse and acquire a yellowish tint. If they are not accompanied by pain and other unpleasant sensations in the genitals, do not have an unpleasant odor and are free of purulent impurities, then there is no particular cause for concern.

In this case, you need to visit a gynecologist to rule out the possibility of an infectious disease.


The acute form of the disease is accompanied by copious, purulent yellow discharge. At chronic form discharge diseases are scanty, severe irritation of the external genitalia is observed. There may also be pain in the back and during sexual intercourse, painful menstruation and a constant urge to urinate.


May be caused by a yeast infection, trichomoniasis, or bacterial vaginosis. This infection is very common and appears as heavy white or yellow vaginal discharge after your period. Vaginitis caused by trichomoniasis infection often appears as a yellow, green, or gray foamy discharge. Bacterial vaginosis causes thick white and yellow discharge.


At acute course– yellow discharge is abundant, in chronic cases it is scanty. Sexual intercourse may be painful and spotting. In the background there is bloating, painful menstruation, poor appetite, difficult or painful urination.


With the development of sexually transmitted diseases, the discharge also becomes yellow in color, abundant impurities of pus appear in it, and a sharp unpleasant odor appears. The external genitalia swells and develops severe itching and burning, intensifying after urination, pain appears during sexual intercourse.


Sometimes the appearance of yellow leucorrhoea can cause allergic reactions caused by aggressive external factors. These factors include female tampons or pads, as well as condoms and synthetic underwear.


If you notice that you have "abnormal" discharge and it is tinged with yellow, but there is no negative symptoms, no need to start worrying.

In this case, you should do the following:

  • use linen exclusively from natural fabrics;
  • carefully monitor your personal hygiene;
  • use only high-quality, good products for personal hygiene;
  • Always exercise maximum caution during sexual intercourse and take precautions.

If the discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, difficulty urinating, itching and pain, you should immediately seek help from a highly qualified women's doctor.

A woman who monitors her health and records any changes usually knows what is normal for her. Transparent discharge of uniform consistency, as a rule, is not considered a sign of abnormalities, as is odorless yellow discharge. In women they can occur on different stages menstrual cycle. Such discharge is regular and does not cause discomfort, and its intensity depends on the phase of the cycle, the characteristics of the body and past diseases. Any changes alarming, should not be ignored. In this case, it is better to visit a doctor to determine the cause of the deviations.


Causes of natural discharge

In the vaginal environment of a healthy woman there are always beneficial bacteria. This prevents penetration into the internal organs of the genitourinary system pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Like other organs, the vagina contains a small number of fungal microorganisms. A slightly acidic environment prevents them from reproducing. Protective mucus is formed, and natural vaginal discharge appears.

Usually the mucus has a homogeneous composition and is transparent. When exposed to air, it acquires a yellowish tint. The intensity of the color may change during the menstrual cycle and is individual for each woman.

Normal discharge, yellow and odorless, does not cause irritation of the vaginal mucosa and skin in the area of ​​the external genitalia and perineum. There is no need for treatment. All that is required is compliance with basic hygiene rules. Natural secretions arise for the following reasons:

  • increased mucus volume before menstruation, during pregnancy or after childbirth;
  • age-related hormonal changes;
  • breast diseases;
  • changes in the hormonal composition of the blood due to diseases of the endocrine glands;
  • use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • mental stress.

Normal yellow discharge without an unpleasant odor consists of mucus draining from the body and cervix, as well as fluid penetrating from the lymphatic and small blood vessels.

Video: Discharge between periods

Yellow discharge after abortion

After an artificial termination of pregnancy, thick leucorrhoea can bother a woman for 2-3 months. Due to damage to small vessels, blood impurities appear. It is necessary to carefully monitor changes in their color and smell so as not to miss the moment of the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

The decrease in immunity that occurs after an abortion facilitates the penetration of staphylococcal and streptococcal infection into the internal genital organs. This also causes diseases of the intestines and urinary organs.

Yellowish discharge during pregnancy

Yellow thick discharge odorless, creamy, appear in the first trimester of pregnancy. Their appearance is caused by a change hormonal levels in the body and is not dangerous. Sometimes the color is affected by the use of certain hygiene products or wearing underwear made of synthetic fabrics.

In the 2nd trimester during normal pregnancy transparent discharge become even more abundant. You should pay serious attention to them if they acquire an unpleasant odor and turn yellow. This may already indicate pathology. The reason becomes inflammatory disease in the fallopian tubes or ovaries. In this case, the discharge becomes bright yellow in color.

Yellow discharge in inflammatory diseases of the genital organs

When an infection enters the genitals, a woman may experience copious yellow discharge of varying shades and intensity. The causes are the following diseases:

  1. Salpingitis(inflammation fallopian tubes). In some cases, they contain blood impurities. Painful urination occurs as the infection spreads to the bladder.
  2. Adnexit(inflammation of the uterine appendages). The appearance of pus in yellow discharge is characteristic. Irritation occurs in the area of ​​the external genitalia, frequent urination, pain during menstruation and sexual intercourse.
  3. Bacterial vaginitis(inflammatory disease of the vagina). In this case, women experience profuse yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  4. Sexually transmitted diseases(gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis). They are characterized by the appearance of copious yellow discharge mixed with pus, with a strong unpleasant odor. Irritation of the genital organs causes swelling, itching, and burning.

Video: Normal and pathological discharge in women

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Yellow discharge should not alarm a woman if it does not cause itching, burning, increased urination, pain, and does not have an odor. Normally they are not too abundant. A slight increase in volume occurs before menstruation. Yellow The discharge should not be too bright - from light yellow to yellowish with a creamy tint.

Normal discharge is homogeneous in composition and does not have lumps. Curdled white discharge, as well as liquid, abundant, foamy mucus are deviations from the norm and are a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor. First of all, a smear of the vaginal contents is taken to examine the microflora. It is also done bacterial culture to establish the type of bacteria and their sensitivity to drugs.

Discharge from the genital organs is a natural process in a woman’s body and accompanies her throughout her life. The abundance, density, and shade of the secreted liquid can vary within established limits, and are determined by for the following reasons, such as the time of menstruation, breastfeeding, pregnancy, hormone therapy. Vaginal discharge yellowish color can also occur, but is this the norm?

A significant number of women are bothered by yellow vaginal discharge. This is due to the fact that the shade of the discharge is predisposed to a natural shade and, on the contrary, talk about severe processes of inflammation, infections inside the vagina, spread through sexual intercourse.

The entire female half of society should learn to understand their secretions, when they are naturally yellowish in color, and where they are combined with pathological processes.

Experts prove that vaginal fluid has normal colors transparent and white. This discharge is called leucorrhoea. It happens that white discharge becomes yellow tint and is not associated with any inflammation. The basis for such changes are changes in hormones, the use of contraceptive drugs, and stressful situations.

When the discharge has no odor, it does not cause discomfort, and there is no itching, burning, or pain, then it is a natural shade of leucorrhoea. When these symptoms bother you, it means that infectious inflammation, passing during sexual intercourse and the inflammatory process.

It is considered natural that when, after sexual intercourse, the sperm remaining in the woman’s vagina is excreted in the form of yellowish clots.

Before menstruation, during pregnancy, during the period of ovulation, in a larger percentage of the female half, the excreted volume does not exceed the usual amount by much. It is worth paying due attention to the fact that when you are pregnant, you will need to be more careful about such changes, because the expectant mother’s body is significantly prone to infection during this period.


  1. An infection transmitted to each other through sexual contact is trichomoniasis.
  2. Predominance bacterial infection in the acute phase, for example, adnexitis, salpingitis - there is an infection in the uterine tubes.
  3. The cervix is ​​affected by erosion, the course of adnexitis and salpingitis is chronic.
  4. The disease gonorrhea is represented by yellow purulent discharge, which has a bad odor, a burning sensation in the genitals and itching, and the volume of discharge is significant.

Pathologies of an infectious nature that occur during sexual contact are awakened by various microorganisms. They contribute to the process of inflammation, burning, and discomfort. Trichomoniasis is quite common.


Trichomoniasis is infectious disease. During its penetration into the body, foamy, copious discharge appears. They have a yellow-green color and a pungent odor. The disease is also accompanied strong burning sensation, itching of the genitals, irritation. During this period, the woman knows for sure that this is not normal discharge, and the success of treatment depends on timely consultation with a doctor.


This is a disease in which a moderate amount of yellowish fluid is released from the vagina. white and there is a bad smell. Often during this infection there is a strong feeling It's a dull pain during bowel movement bladder, stomach pain, possible blood leaks. Discharge is often accompanied by symptoms of adnexitis and salpingitis.


Thrush is a thick, profuse discharge from the genitals. They resemble curd lumps of white or yellowish color. Thrush causes severe itching, redness, and swelling of the vagina.

All women have “good” bacteria in their vagina. Due to their vital activity, microflora and acidity are maintained at the required level, and the body is protected from infections. Often, the quantitative composition of bacteria can change due to poor intimate hygiene, violation metabolic processes and so on, which leads to the proliferation of candida, or thrush, as well as vaginosis.


In a patient with vaginosis, the discharge is abundant, has a gray-white tint, there is a bad smell (rotten fish), the itching of the genital organs on the outside is slight, and appears from time to time. Symptoms intensify after sex. Long-term prevalence of the disease is characterized by sticky discharge, which has a yellow-green tint.

During the examination, the doctor will see an even distribution of discharge on the walls of the vagina. Vaginosis poses a threat to a pregnant woman, possibly fetal rejection or premature birth. Bacteria, passing into the uterus, can cause inflammatory process its mucous membrane.


In a woman with chlamydia, abundant fluid formations appear infrequently from the genitals. The color of chlamydia discharge is yellow. Examining a woman, the doctor can see how fluid is released from the cervix and flows down the vaginal lining. Woman is tortured painful sensations lower abdomen, during emptying of the bladder, when the Bartholin gland is enlarged and painful.

Other pathologies

With colpitis, inflammation occurs due to the passage of various microorganisms into the vagina, which cause pain. These include Trichomonas, candida, streptococcus, chlamydia. Colpitis causes the following symptoms:

  • foamy formations of the secreted liquid of a yellowish tint;
  • they have a bad smell;
  • the labia and vagina swell;
  • in the perineal area the woman is bothered by a burning sensation and itching.

Various yellow shades of discharge can appear when the genital organs are swollen inside and outside. A common symptom is the formation of a fistula that connects the path of the genital organ with the intestines, urinary canal. An ulcer manifests itself from the formation of a low-quality tumor. Bad smell The secreted fluid has a bright yellow tint associated with a malignant formation in the bladder.

It happens that yellow appearances fluids appear with erosion on the cervix. With erosion, an inflammatory process occurs. Often, after sexual contact, blood is released. Also during inflammation internal organs the characteristics of leucorrhoea may vary.

These diseases should be treated immediately, they can lead to serious problems and infertility.

Prevention and treatment

The main cause of bacterial damage to the genital organs is dysbacteriosis. It appears when untimely or poor quality hygiene care genitals, frequent douching, uncontrolled use of antibiotics and hormonal drugs, sex without contraception.

Preventive measures for yellow discharge are aimed at:

  • cure diseases in the female body;
  • taking medications under the supervision of a doctor;
  • high-quality hygiene of the intimate area;
  • protection against infections transmitted through sexual contact;
  • It is recommended that a woman wear loose underwear;
  • wash off with a shower.

Scented sanitary pads and products used to treat the perineum should not be used. You should not walk around in things that are tight to your body.

You need to wash your genitals twice a day warm water. To eliminate itching and odor, you should use a liquid made from soda - dilute 1 tablespoon of soda with 1 liter of water. After finishing the procedure, you need to dry the perineum well with a towel.

The human body itself gives signals when something abnormal happens in it. About health reproductive system women can judge by the nature of daily discharge and the stability of the menstrual cycle. If bloody and green discharge, in most cases, are pathological conditions, then many women do not know how to evaluate the yellow color of the discharge. Below we will look at the reasons for the appearance of yellow discharge, and what should be done if you notice such a symptom.

Yellow discharge - normal or pathological?

A woman's daily discharge is a secretion from the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix. He performs protective function- pathogenic microorganisms that were able to penetrate inside and all unnecessary particles accumulate on the mucous membrane and are removed from the body along with a certain amount of secretions.

In addition, on the vaginal mucosa there is large number microorganisms that create a certain environment there and prevent the development of inflammatory and infectious processes. Normally, daily discharge, which is the pure secretion of glandular cells plus unnecessary substances that have entered it, can be transparent, white or yellowish. It is in the yellow color of the discharge that the shade has a very great value, since a pronounced yellow color is more likely to indicate the presence of pathology and after a few days may be replaced by a green tint.

Normal female daily discharge is considered to be those that meet the following characteristics:

  • do not leave stains on linen;
  • not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, for example, itching, discomfort, irritation, swelling and others;
  • the daily volume does not exceed 5 ml, except for the period of ovulation and intimate contacts;
  • have a liquid homogeneous consistency;
  • do not have an unpleasant odor.

Minor changes in the amount or color of discharge may occur due to physiological reasons(pregnancy, stress, sexual arousal, dietary habits), however, this does not affect the patient’s quality of life and her well-being.

If the patient’s discharge was previously transparent or white, and then became yellow or is also accompanied by itching, there is a high probability of developing an inflammatory-infectious process. In this case, you must definitely consult a doctor, undergo a full examination and begin the correct treatment regimen.

Causes of yellow discharge

Yellow discharge can occur for many reasons. Some of them are physiological, but a woman is not recommended to understand such issues on her own. Many infectious and inflammatory processes occur latently or poorly expressed, so they can only be identified qualified specialist. Yellow vaginal discharge may be due to the following reasons:

  • Physiological changes in the body or a natural change in the phase of the menstrual cycle. All natural processes are considered normal. Yellowish discharge often appear during pregnancy, during ovulation, and also after menstruation. The abundance of mucus may be slightly increased, but in general the symptoms do not disturb the woman’s general well-being and are not accompanied by any discomfort.
  • Inflammatory process. Almost all diseases are accompanied by an inflammatory process, which is localized in the affected area. At the same time, a large number of inflammatory mediators, as well as cells, enter the tissues immune defense who try to eliminate the violation that has arisen. The yellow color of the discharge may be due precisely to dead immune cells and exudate, which is released when cells are damaged or destroyed. Inflammatory processes usually manifest themselves with several symptoms. In addition to a change in the color of the discharge, a woman will notice pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort when urinating, itching, burning, pulling sensations in the lower back, unpleasant odor of vaginal mucus, and others.
  • Allergic reaction. A change in the amount and nature of discharge may occur due to an allergy that occurs in response to synthetic underwear, the addition of dyes or fragrances. Allergies to products are quite common. intimate hygiene, pads or lubricants.
  • The presence of malignant or benign neoplasms may also cause yellow discharge.

What does yellow discharge with an odor mean?

An unpleasant odor is usually caused by the presence of pathogenic microflora and the toxins that it produces. In addition, an unpleasant odor can occur due to tissue breakdown, for example, during destructive gynecological diseases. In most cases, the unpleasant odor of yellow discharge indicates an imbalance of microflora and the development of vaginosis. The following factors can provoke it:

Changes in hormonal levels

  • decreased local and general immunity;
  • treatment with antibacterial drugs;
  • infection from an infected sexual partner;
  • postpartum period.

An actively developing infection, if not properly treated, will spread to neighboring areas and can penetrate the uterine cavity, becoming the cause.

Discharge with an odor may appear when various diseases. Among the main pathogens are streptococci, chlamydia, trichomonas, gonococci and others. One of the most common pathological conditions- colpitis, which is now diagnosed in every third woman. In addition to changing the color of daily discharge, such inflammation is accompanied by other symptoms, for example:

  • the presence of foam in the vaginal mucus;
  • itching and burning;
  • swelling.

As a rule, with any pathogen, yellow discharge represents dead pathogens and dead immune cells. Almost always, such vaginal secretion will be accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

It is less common than colpitis, but is also accompanied by the appearance of yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor. The disease is a proliferation of the uterine mucosa and the development of the same tissue outside the organ. The problem is characterized by certain symptoms, in particular severe menstrual pain, which can be felt throughout the entire abdominal area, as well as heavy discharge yellow-brown in color with a pungent odor.

Yellow discharge without odor

A change in the color of daily discharge to yellow and the absence of an unpleasant odor can be caused by both physiological and pathological reasons. The usual clear mucus may turn slightly yellow when exposed to air and may not appear white enough on underwear or panty liners.

If the rules of personal hygiene are not followed, the balance of the vaginal microflora may be disturbed, which will lead to a change in the color of the discharge. Minor color changes are allowed during physiological fluctuations in hormonal levels, for example, before menstruation, during pregnancy, during age-related changes in the puberty period and even after psychological experiences.

The unpleasant odor may not be present at all initial stages any pathological process. If a woman notices that symptoms progress over time, she should immediately consult a doctor.

Many chronic diseases, especially endocrine or urinary system. The same thing can happen when mechanical damage vaginal mucosa, for example, after diagnostic procedures or chemical damage.

Yellow-green discharge

The green color of the discharge is due to dead leukocytes, so when this shade appears, there is a high probability of an infectious-inflammatory process.

Discharge with trichomoniasis may have a yellow-green tint. The pathogen in this case is transmitted sexually and can remain in the vagina for a long time, causing inflammation. Additional symptoms Itching and swelling of the vulva are common.

A similar situation occurs when infected with chlamydia or mycoplasma. In this case, the discharge not only changes color, but also becomes more abundant and dense.

With weakened immunity, most women develop. However, against the background of it, other opportunistic microorganisms may also become active, which will lead to the appearance of yellow-green discharge with a sour odor.

Yellowing of vaginal mucus often occurs due to problems in urinary tract, since they are anatomically close to the woman’s genitals.

If the inflammatory process has affected fallopian tubes or ovaries, symptoms will not be limited local manifestations. In addition to a change in the color of the discharge, the woman will notice a deterioration in her general health, the appearance of pain, and an increase in temperature.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy

The pregnancy period is characterized by hormonal fluctuations, which affect all processes in the body, including immunity. If a pregnant woman experiences yellow discharge that is not accompanied by an unpleasant odor or other symptoms of discomfort, such changes can be considered physiological. As a rule, the color and nature of the discharge normalize after some time on their own.

In addition, during pregnancy, the secretory function of the vagina is activated for enhanced protection against pathogenic bacteria and cleansing of dead epithelial cells. At the same time, cervical secretion is released to form a mucus plug. All this can cause the color of daily discharge to change towards a yellow tint.

The following symptoms should alert a pregnant woman:

  • unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • the appearance of blood or pus ( thick green masses);
  • itching, pain or redness.

If any discomfort occurs along with yellow discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What to do if yellow discharge appears?

If yellow discharge causes discomfort to a woman, she should consult a gynecologist for full examination and taking tests. The doctor will conduct an examination using a gynecological speculum, ultrasound examination, and will also take a smear to determine the microflora of the vagina. The results obtained will help to put correct diagnosis and determine the cause of pathological discharge.

In the presence of an inflammatory-infectious process, agents are prescribed that suppress the growth of isolated pathogenic microflora. These may be antibacterial, antifungal or antiprotozoal agents. Depending on the severity of the disease, medications can be prescribed locally or systemically.

At the same time, the doctor will recommend remedies that help restore the correct balance of microflora. If a specific pathogen is identified, treatment should be carried out by both sexual partners, and close contacts should be avoided until the end of therapy.

Prevention of yellow discharge

Many problems in the field of gynecology can be avoided by following simple recommendations:

  • Do not skip preventive examinations with a gynecologist. They should occur every six months.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, adhere to the principles proper nutrition. Many food products, as well as alcohol, negatively affect the condition of the mucous membranes and microflora of the vagina.
  • Lead sex life with a regular partner or use barrier methods contraception.
  • Follow the rules of personal hygiene - take a shower as needed, and also use by special means for the intimate area.
  • Try to avoid hypothermia, and also take care of the state of your general immunity.
  • Wear underwear made from natural fabrics, preferably white, as dyes can cause allergic reactions.
  • Do not overuse douching and do not self-medicate. This can lead to the removal of beneficial microflora and the active proliferation of pathogenic ones.