Antipyretic injection for children composition. Lytic mixture in tablets

What to do if your child has a fever? An effective remedy will become a lytic mixture, and we will tell you how much to take and how it works below.

When should I take it?

If you small child the body temperature rises above 38 degrees, he experiences a fever, and the disease is tolerated worse than in adults. The baby’s immunity is more vulnerable, and prolonged hyperthermia creates excessive load on the nervous and cardiovascular system.

If a child's fever continues for more than 5 hours, this can lead to an imbalance in water and electrolyte balance, causing convulsions. Dehydration and intoxication are the cause of severe muscle pain and headaches that can cause severe suffering. If the usual aspirin does not help, then you can give an injection using a three-component lytic mixture.

Lytic mixture - how does it work?

Lytic mixture is a three-component highly effective mixture, its composition allows you to quickly eliminate fever. The composition of this mixture effectively relieves fever in a child, providing an analgesic effect. The correct proportions of the mixture will quickly bring down the fever that is painful for the baby.

Mixture composition

The composition of the drug for adults and children includes three components:

  • Diphenhydramine - enhances the effect of analgin and provides protection against allergic reactions.
  • Analgin is the main component of the medicine. It has the ability to lower temperature, relieving muscle and head pain.
  • Papaverine hydrochloride, an antispasmodic contained in the composition, enhances the effect of antipyretic drugs and dilates blood vessels.

Indications for use

Lytic mixture for one-year-old children is intended to lower temperatures exceeding 38–38.5 degrees. For a small child, it is initially recommended to bring down the temperature with Panadol, Nurofen and Paracetamol, and the dosage should be for children.

Lytic fluid for children should be used if all other efforts for the child have failed. It is recommended to give an injection with the drug, observing the proportions, for the following indications:

  • Inefficiency simple means to bring down the temperature.
  • High temperature.
  • Inability to take pills due to vomiting.

Effect of the drug on the body

If the child does not have individual intolerance or allergies to the components of the mixture, then the result will come quickly. If you do intramuscular injection, then after 30 minutes the temperature will subside and your overall health will improve. If the fever appears again, you can give the injection at least six hours after the first one.

Possible dangers of the drug

Like any medicines, the drug has its contraindications:

  • Presence of pain in the abdominal area without diagnosis. The injection removes painful sensations, which can, in the presence of a number of pathologies, cause severe consequences. The absence of symptoms will not allow the doctor to diagnose correct diagnosis if necessary. If your child has abdominal pain, you should first show him to the doctor.
  • Allergic reaction to the components of the mixture.
  • Less than 6 months old.
  • Taking medications containing analgin within four hours prior to the injection. This may cause an overdose of the medicine.

If there is no individual intolerance, the composition usually does not lead to negative consequences. As a side effect it may be increased drowsiness Therefore, lytic formula for children should be used with caution.

Duration of administration and dosage


The correct dosage of injections allows you to quickly reduce a child’s high temperature. Required quantity the drug is drawn into a sterile syringe. Before use, the ampoule with the medicine is heated to body temperature. The dosage is calculated very simply: if the child is one year old, you need to take 0.1 milliliter of papaverine, diphenhydramine and analgin into the Spitz.

With each subsequent year of the baby’s life, you need to add 0.1 milliliter of each drug to the indicated dose. Therefore, for example, for two year old child the dosage of each component should be 0.2 milliliters.


If for a number of reasons parents do not want to give an injection to their baby, then a lytic mixture is provided in tablets and liquid form. The latter can be taken orally directly from the ampoule. It is recommended to select the dosage carefully, after consulting your doctor first. Remember that when choosing oral administration, the decrease in temperature will occur more slowly.

Onset of action of the mixture in tablets

If for some reason it turns out to be impossible to give an injection, then you can take the medicine, but it will act more slowly. It should be noted that Analgin can cause discomfort and irritation, as it has negative impact on the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus.

An alternative option may be to prepare such a remedy from tablets. If it is necessary to reduce the high temperature of a child under three years old, then mix one fourth tablet of Paracetamol, Suprastin and Analgin.

If a child has cold legs and arms at a high temperature, it is recommended to replace Suprastin with No-shpa. Pieces of tablets are crushed into powder, mixed thoroughly and given to the child to drink. After about 30 minutes, the temperature will begin to gradually decrease.

What can replace the lytic composition?

An excellent alternative to injections would be a complex of Suprastin, Papaverine and Baralgin tablets. Instead of Papaverine, you can use No-shpa, and instead of Suprastin - Diazolin. In the mixture for injections, Diphenhydramine can be replaced with Suprastin or Tavegil, which have a pronounced antiseptic effect.

It's not always possible to choose effective drug in the treatment of influenza. In many cases, elevated body temperature is accompanied by dehydration and intoxication of the body, and can manifest itself as severe headaches and muscle pain, and the appearance of seizures. When aspirin, anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs(indomethacin, ibuprofen and naklofen) are powerless, it is recommended to use such a mixture.

It is more advisable to use such a drug in relation to children, the elderly and patients with pathology cardiovascular system, since prolonged hyperemia disrupts the functioning of the heart, causing dehydration and convulsions.


The injection lytic mixture consists of the following drugs: 50% analgin solution, 1% diphenhydramine solution and 0.1% papaverine solution. For each year of the child, 0.1 ml of each of the drugs is prepared and combined in a syringe. For example, for one year old baby you will need 0.1 ml of analgin, 0.1 ml of papaverine and 0.1 ml of diphenhydramine. The components of the mixture help normalize the functioning of the reticular formation of the brain and reduce the body's need for oxygen.
A special feature of this life-saving “cocktail” is the exceptional effectiveness of analgin with the support of diphenhydramine and papaverine. The mixture should be used as rarely as possible, ideally once a day. If necessary, you can inject more often. The main thing is that at least 6 hours pass between injections. The effect of the injection begins within 10-15 minutes.
The lytic mixture may cause allergies in little patient, therefore, before injecting into gluteal muscle, you should drop 1 drop into the conjunctival sac. If an allergy occurs, after a few minutes the redness of the eye will be visible, and there will be pain and burning in the eye.
For adult patients, the composition of the mixture includes the following dosages of these components: No-spa 2% - 2 ml; Analgin 50% - 2 ml; Diphenhydramine 1% - 1 ml. This dose is intended for an older person. age category with a weight of at least 60 kg. If there is a larger weight category, for example, for a person weighing 70 kg, it is necessary to add 1/10 of the above dose. All components are placed in one syringe and mixed well. It is recommended to wipe the ampoules with alcohol the day before opening. The mixture is administered intramuscularly. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the important fact that the temperature of the injected solution should be close to the patient’s temperature. The injection must be done following all the rules of asepsis. After injection reintroduction The lytic mixture is allowed to be administered no earlier than 6 hours.
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It happens that there is simply no opportunity to give an injection, but there is a temperature that needs to be brought down. Therefore, the lytic mixture exists not only in the form of injections, but also in the form of tablets.
The combination of the tableted lytic mixture is analgin (1/4 t.), no-spa (1/4 t.) and suprastin (1/3 t.). In addition to them, many doctors recommend 1 drop of Corvalol to support the heart.
No-shpu should be used when the child has cold extremities. Parents should remember that while the extremities are cold, vascular spasm persists and it is very difficult to bring down the temperature in such a situation. No-spa relieves spasms, after which antipyretics can be given.
The required dosage The tablets should be crushed into crumbs and given to the child; you can dilute them in a drink.
Lytic mixture is not the best best way fight against fever, especially considering negative influence analgin. However, for critical situations in home medicine cabinet There should always be drugs such as analgin, no-spa, suprastin, paracetamol, diazolin. Be healthy! Dosage of the lytic mixture for adults in tablets
If the use of the lytic mixture in ampoules is not possible, you can use tablets in the dosage for adults:
1 tablet of Analgin (or Baralgin);
1 tablet No-shpa (Papaverine);
1 tablet of Diphenhydramine (Diazolin, Suprastin).
The drugs are taken orally with a sufficient amount of water. It is worth considering that this method of administering a lytic mixture does not give as quick a result as after an injection (no earlier than 30-60 minutes).
Contraindications to the use of the lytic mixture
There are cases when the use of a lytic mixture is prohibited:
lytic mixture for adults
For stomach pain unknown etiology accompanied by elevated body temperature, until examined by a doctor. This can be dangerous, for example, in case of appendicitis, because... after taking the lytic mixture, the pain subsides and the symptoms of the disease become hidden.
If before this, at least one of the components of the lytic mixture (orally or by injection) was used to relieve fever or pain within 4 hours.

Increased body temperature or fever is the most common symptom most infectious and a number non-communicable diseases. This is a protective-adaptive reaction of the body to action harmful factors(bacteria, viruses).

At elevated temperature body, the child’s metabolism increases, the body’s need for oxygen increases, the load on the cardiovascular and respiratory system. This condition is not only unpleasant for the baby, but also dangerous, especially for children with diseases of the respiratory, nervous, and cardiovascular systems.

Typically, modern antipyretic drugs allow short term bring down the high temperature. However, there are times when the usual remedies do not help, and you still need to wait for a doctor.

You can combat high fever with the help of a self-prepared lytic mixture.

Description and preparation

You can prepare the drug in the form of an injection solution and give your child an injection yourself.

If this is not possible (the baby is afraid of injections, you don’t know how to give them, there is no syringe at hand), the lytic mixture should be prepared in tablets.

Basics active substance- this is analgin. It reduces fever and relieves pain at the same time.

The composition of the lytic mixture for children in tablets includes, which has an antihistamine effect, and No-spa, which helps relieve vasospasm. Many doctors advise adding a drop of Corvalol to the antipyretic composition.

Indications for use

Lytic mixture used in the following cases:

  • body temperature 38.5 °C and above;
  • inability to reduce the temperature with other antipyretics;
  • convulsions;
  • pale skin, joint and muscle pain, chills;
  • disturbances of consciousness, hallucinations.

A condition in which the baby's temperature is high, but his feet and hands remain cold, is called cold hyperthermia. Sometimes there is a blue discoloration of the nail holes and lips.

This is a very dangerous situation, because small blood vessels are closed, the patient does not sweat, and heat transfer does not occur.

In this condition, the child may develop severe tachycardia, convulsions and delirium are possible. Cold hyperthermia – clear indication for use lytic mixture.

Such a potent drug should not be used uncontrollably. It is best if your doctor prescribes this medicine for you.


In some cases the drug cannot be used even at very high temperatures:

  • the child is less than 6 months old;
  • fever is accompanied by abdominal pain - this can be dangerous in acute appendicitis;
  • over the last 4 hours the patient has already taken the drugs included in the product (Analgin, No-Shpu, Suprastin);
  • the baby is allergic to one of the medicinal components.

Before the injection, it is easy to check for allergic reactions - just drop a drop of medicine under the child’s lower eyelid. If you are preparing the mixture in tablets, you will have to rely on what you already know about your baby’s allergic reactions.

How does the drug work, how long does it take to notice the effect?

Medicines included in the lytic mixture work together, comprehensively. No-spa relieves spasms blood vessels, reveals them. Analgin reduces body temperature. Suprastin prevents the body's allergic reaction.

Lytic mixture in tablets takes effect in approximately thirty minutes. The antipyretic effect lasts 4-6 hours.

It is difficult to reduce the temperature to the usual 36.6 °C, and it is also impractical. The child's body fights the disease with increased temperature.

Therefore, if half an hour after taking the medicine the thermometer shows no more than 38 °C – the result is achieved, heat exchange in the body has been restored, everything is fine.

Dose, permissible frequency of administration

Dosage of lytic mixture for children in tablets does not depend on age and weight.

To prepare one portion of the medicine you need ¼ tablet of Analgin, ¼ t. No-Shpa and 1/3 tablet of Suprastin.

Plus 1 drop of Corvalol, if you decide to add it to the medicine.

Lytic mixture can be used 1 time within 6 hours. The permissible duration of taking the drug is one day.

You can reduce your temperature with this drug only four times.

On the pages of our website you will learn about antiviral drug, contraindications and dosage.

Directions for use, special instructions

The tablets should be crushed into powder, mixed and given to the child in a spoon. If your baby has difficulty swallowing this powder, you can combine it with jam, honey or other thick and sweet product. You can take the medicine with water, fruit drink or juice.

No-shpu is added to the prepared product if the child’s limbs are cold, the nose and ears are cold and pale. If these symptoms are not present, It’s better to replace no-shpa with Paracetamol.

Interaction with other tools

The use of a lytic mixture while taking other medications may lead to exacerbation of toxic side effects .

The drug enhances the effects of sedatives, sleeping pills, local anesthetics. The effect of antispasmodics is enhanced.

Among negative consequences systematic use of the drug - possible addiction of the body and immunity to other antipyretic drugs.

Overdose and side effects

Taking the mixture may cause side effects:

  • decreased blood pressure;
  • reduction in diuresis;
  • dry mouth;
  • drowsiness;
  • allergic reactions;
  • nausea.

If the dosage of the drug is exceeded or repeated use occurs earlier than after 6 hours, likelihood of side effects rises.

Remember: within 6 hours you cannot take individual components of the mixture - Analgin, No-Shpu, Suprastin. This can also lead to an overdose and negative effects on the child's body.

Overdose of medication leads to to the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • vomiting and nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • dyspnea;
  • tachycardia;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • disturbances of consciousness;
  • bleeding;
  • convulsions.

If an overdose occurs, you need to call an ambulance. Then you need to rinse the stomach or induce vomiting, give the child sorbents (for example, activated carbon).

Arriving doctors need to tell in detail about all the symptoms that have arisen, clarify the frequency of administration and dosage of the medication taken.

In our material we will talk about a popular antiviral drug - you will learn about dosage rules and contraindications.

What effect do Anaferon antiviral tablets have for children? Read reviews about the use of the drug.


The mixture is prepared for one serving. In the future it is not stored. You should not prepare several servings of medicine based on next appointment: if there is a lot of powder, measure it accurately the right dose it can be difficult.

The human body is capable of withstanding enormous loads, but at the same time it can fail by catching ARVI. Many diseases are accompanied by elevated body temperature, which is how the body copes with infection. The temperature should not be artificially lowered to certain numbers, however, if the mercury column shows 39 degrees or higher, urgent measures must be taken. If the usual antipyretic drugs do not cope, then a lytic mixture is used; the dosage for adults should be calculated very carefully.

Adherents of “natural” treatment advocate for the ability of the body to cope with fever on its own, without external intervention. However, it must be remembered that high temperature, especially for a weakened body, can be extremely dangerous. It can provoke convulsive syndrome, lead to defeat internal organs and even death.

Antipyretics do not always cope with the task. If there is an urgent need, a medicine called “lytic mixture” is used.

Depending on the temperature, the lytic mixture is used only in in case of emergency, you need to be very careful with this medicine, accurately calculating the dosage (as with any other).

For adults, the lytic mixture includes 3 components:

  • Baralgin (Analgin) - has a very strong antipyretic effect and relieves pain. Refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • No-spa (papaverine) is an antispasmodic drug that leads to local dilation of blood vessels and increased heat transfer;
  • Diphenhydramine - has an antihistamine effect, significantly enhances the effect of analgin, is a sedative and local anesthetic.

Diphenhydramine can be replaced with suprastin.

For an adult whose body weight is 60 kg, it is used next dosage medications:

  • 2 ml analgin (50%)
  • 2 ml no-spa (2%)
  • 1 ml diphenhydramine (1%)

For every next 10 kg of weight, a tenth of the mixture is added. All components are used in liquid form and are drawn from ampoules into one syringe.

, in the outer upper quarter of the buttock. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the solution, if necessary, is heated. Its temperature should correspond to the patient's body temperature.

When making an injection, you must follow the rules of antiseptics. The needle is inserted deep into the muscle, and the solution is given slowly.

The desired effect will be observed within 15-20 minutes. However, the next time you can use this “lifesaver” no earlier than 6 hours after the previous injection.

Read also:

  • Troychatka from temperature: composition, application, dosage

Lytic mixture in tablets

There are situations when it is not possible to give an injection. In this case, liquid dosage form You can replace the solid one and use tablets. Ratio components will be as follows: one tablet each of the same drugs - baralgin (analgin), papaverine and diphenhydramine (suprastin) is taken orally with a large amount of liquid. To make it easier for the patient to swallow the medicine, it can be crushed. The powder will act faster and the effect will be more pronounced. In general, tablets act more slowly than an injection, the components of which enter directly into the blood, and not into the gastrointestinal tract, from which they are absorbed into the bloodstream. The effect after taking the tablets occurs within an hour.

Contraindications for use

Each drug has its own contraindications; they also exist for the lytic mixture. They need to be treated very carefully because the medicine is strong.

  • The lytic mixture should not be used to relieve fever and abdominal pain until the patient is examined by a doctor and diagnosed. Hidden symptoms of appendicitis, for example, can lead to very sad consequences;
  • To exclude the possibility of overdose, the lytic mixture is not used if the patient has previously taken any drug included in the mixture. After administration, at least 4 hours must pass;
  • If the patient has an individual intolerance to any component included in the lytic mixture.

Sometimes the usual antipyretics do not help, then a lytic mixture for children is used. However, you should not resort to it constantly. In order not to harm the baby, you need to know how and when this medication is used. After all, many parents are thrown into panic by the high temperature of their child.

The main component of the drug is 50% Analgin, which helps reduce fever in a child. In addition, the composition includes a 1% solution of Diphenhydramine, which has an antihistamine effect, and a 0.1% solution of Papaverine (promotes vasodilation and relieves spasms). If Diphenhydramine is not available or parents are afraid to use it, it is recommended to replace this component with Suprastin or Tavegil. You can prepare this mixture yourself by purchasing all the indicated drugs at the pharmacy.

There is a certain dosage for children according to their age: 0.1 ml of each component for 1 year of life. That is, if the baby is 4 years old, then prepare the lytic mixture as follows: 0.4 ml each of Analgin, Diphenhydramine and Papaverine. The finished mixture is administered intramuscularly, as this promotes the fastest effect.

Important! If it is not possible to inject, you can use tablets to prepare the mixture: Analgin, Paracetamol and Suprastin (¼ of a tablet each). All parts are mixed after grinding them first. This medicine is given to the baby to drink.

The use of tablets is considered less effective, but sometimes this method is the only one to reduce temperature.

Almost all doctors advise giving children antipyretics only at temperatures above 38.5 ºС. The same applies to the lytic mixture. Basically, body temperature reaches these levels when you have the flu or a sore throat. In addition, you need to know that the lytic mixture can only be used after other antipyretic medications.

It is necessary to constantly monitor temperature readings. If it does not rise to 38 ºС, it is undesirable to knock it down, since in this case the child’s body can fight the infection itself. However, it is also not worth allowing the temperature to rise to 39 ºС, as it can cause febrile seizures. Despite general recommendations, if you have symptoms such as paleness skin, painful sensations in joints and muscles, lethargy, you can give an antipyretic even at a temperature of 37.5 ºС.

When to and when not to use a lytic mixture

To prevent the child from getting any complications, parents should be aware of contraindications for use. Firstly, this drug cannot be used if available high temperature the baby complains about . Pain can be caused by inflammation of appendicitis, and since the lytic mixture relieves pain, you can skip the moment when the child’s condition worsens.

If children have an allergic reaction to one of the components of the mixture, it should also not be used. If parents do not know or doubt whether such a reaction exists, a special test. To this end ready-made remedy Apply to the mucous membrane of the baby’s lower eyelid for a few minutes. If there is no redness, burning or itching, we can conclude that the injection is approved for use.

Contraindicated medical product and in such cases when the child is under 6 months old and too frequent use medicine. The lytic mixture cannot be given again unless 4 hours have passed since last use at least one of its components.

The described drug has quite strong effect. Thus, you can resort to its use when other antipyretic drugs do not reduce the temperature. Also resort to this tool allowed when the child cannot take the medicine due to vomiting, impaired consciousness, or in case of refusal to take the drug orally. However, in this case, it is not recommended to make a decision on your own; it is necessary to consult a specialist.

When the temperature is frequently brought down with the help of a lytic mixture (in tablets or injections), a kind of immunity (resistance) to antipyretics of a weaker effect is formed.

Algorithm for administering an antipyretic

In addition to all of the above, the process of direct administration of the drug into the baby’s body is important. Firstly, do not forget about disinfection of the instruments used, the unsterility of which can lead to some kind of infection.

Secondly, the dosage must be observed, otherwise the consequences may be negative. The third important point is that there is no need to reduce the temperature to 36.6 ºС, since it is difficult and unreasonable. 30 minutes after the injection, the temperature should drop to 38 ºС. If this happens, then this indicates that the child’s body is ready to fight the disease with renewed vigor.

The injection must be given with extreme caution. Its result should be good absorption of substances and the absence of lumps at the site of needle insertion. The lytic mixture must be at body temperature; for this, ampoules with all components are heated in the hands for some time. Before opening the ampoule, it is treated with alcohol. The needle is also disinfected.

It is important to remember that you can only use disposable syringes. The medicinal components are mixed in one syringe. Then the area of ​​the body where the injection will be made is wiped with a cotton swab well moistened with alcohol. The needle should enter about 2/3 of the muscle and, gently pressing on the piston, the medicine should be injected. When inserting, the needle should be positioned perpendicular to the skin area. The injection is given in the outer upper square of the buttock. These recommendations will help avoid the formation of cones, painful sensations and infection getting under the skin.

In some cases, injections are replaced by taking medication in tablets. Its disadvantage is its slow impact. The dose indicated for reducing fever in children under 3 years of age is as follows: ¼ tablets of Analgin, Suprastin and. If the baby has cold arms and legs at elevated temperatures, it is better to use No-shpa instead of Suprastin.

Important! Sometimes a lytic mixture prepared from solutions is given to a child to drink. However, this approach may cause discomfort V gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the fact that Analgin adversely affects the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach.

Thus, the lytic mixture is quite effective medical drug to reduce high temperature. However, you shouldn’t get carried away with it. In addition, all recommendations should be followed pediatrician to avoid possible complications.