Burning sensation in the middle of the sternum, what to do. Other causes of severe burning in the chest

A symptom of what diseases can be a burning sensation in the chest area? Causes of burning sensation in the chest.

Many people associate a burning sensation in the chest with heart problems, so if such a symptom occurs, they simply take medications that normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In fact, a burning sensation can indirectly indicate the development of other diseases, sometimes quite serious ones. That is why, before you start taking action, you should pay attention to other symptoms.

Pain and burning between the chest in the middle: causes, treatment

Pain and burning between the chest in the middle

Most often the pain is in the middle chest cause problems with the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, if such a symptom occurs to you quite often (especially if you are at rest), then you should definitely consult a specialist and at least get a cardiogram. In addition, the occurrence this symptom may cause problems with gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, a burning sensation in the very center of the chest occurs due to the fact that food and stomach juice regularly enter the lower esophagus, and against this background heartburn develops.

This is what people most often confuse with heart pain. Although you can understand whether you have this problem quite easily in a simple way. To do this, you only need to take a drug that reduces stomach acidity. If after taking the tablets there is discomfort in the area breast will pass, then you need to see a gastroenterologist. In case medicine doesn't help, that means the problem is cardiovascular system.

In addition, pain in the middle of the chest can cause:

  • Coronary heart disease
  • Pancreatitis
  • Intervertebral hernia.

Under treatment this pathology, as a rule, by medication. If the cause of the burning sensation is simple heartburn, then the patient is prescribed a diet and taking Maalokas or Rutacid. If discomfort in the chest area is caused by hernias, then a special massage may be needed. As for heart problems, it is best to eliminate them under the supervision of a doctor. If you need to remove the burning sensation as quickly as possible, you can take a Nitroglycerin tablet.

Pain and burning in the chest on the left: causes, treatment

Pain and burning in the left chest

A burning sensation on the left side of the chest can also cause heart problems. Typically, this symptom indicates that a person may be developing a myocardial infarction or angina. Other symptoms will indirectly confirm your guesses. If you really have heart problems, the burning sensation will intensify if you do heavy physical labor, walk against a strong wind, or climb stairs.

Yes, and don’t think that just resting will help you get rid of chest discomfort. Of course, after you lie down or sit quietly, the unpleasant symptoms will disappear, but the disease will continue to worsen. Therefore, if everything indicates that your heart is not working as it should, then immediately make an appointment with a specialist.

Causes and treatment of chest pain on the left:

  • Severe stress. Most often, this problem, in addition to burning, manifests itself as depression, tearfulness and excessive irritability. It can help you get rid of all these symptoms good sleep, regular walks in the fresh air and communication with people who love you very much.
  • Problems with the pancreas. In this case, in addition to a burning sensation in the chest, the person will experience It's a dull pain just above the stomach area. This pathology is very easy to treat (provided that you have not started the disease). In order for the pancreas to start working properly again, you will need to take Pancreatin, as well as eat exclusively healthy foods for a couple of weeks.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease is very insidious because for the time being it proceeds hidden. A burning sensation in the chest is an indirect symptom that appears exclusively on initial stage development of pathology. As for the treatment of this disease, as a rule, in this case a person has to long period take medications that normalize the functioning of blood vessels and capillaries.

Pain and burning in the chest on the right: causes, treatment

Pain and burning in the chest on the right

A burning sensation and discomfort on the right side of the chest indicates that you have problems with the biliary tract. In addition, a sick person may experience severe yellow plaque on the tongue and yellowing of the whites of the eyes. Moreover, the burning sensation in the chest will intensify if you eat fatty, spicy and fried foods.

It follows from this that in order to remove the burning sensation, you will only need to adjust proper nutrition. That is, you will need to exclude sausages, pickles and deep-fried foods from your diet. You will also definitely need to see a doctor and undergo treatment that will normalize the functioning of your gall bladder.

Other causes of pain and burning in right side chest:

  • PMS. No matter how strange it may sound, but premenstrual syndrome can also cause chest discomfort. During the period before menstruation, processes occur in a woman’s body that can cause overexertion. mammary glands, thereby provoking pain syndrome. Against this background, pain most often appears in the chest area. There is no need to treat this deviation; as a rule, all problems disappear on their own after the end of menstruation .
  • Scoliosis. In this case, discomfort appears due to the fact that, due to the curvature of the spine, the person’s nerve endings located in the chest area. In this case, you can improve your condition with massages and regular therapeutic exercises.

Pain and burning in the upper chest: causes, treatment

Pain and burning in the upper chest

Pain and burning in the upper chest provoke diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Sometimes, against the background of a burning sensation, muscle pain also appears, which intensifies with the slightest movement. As a rule, such problems are provoked by the same scoliosis or kyphosis. It is clear that in this case, not a single pill or mixture can help you get rid of chest discomfort.

Therefore, it will be better if you try to correct your posture. To do this, you will only need to accustom yourself to keep your back straight all the time and regularly do exercises that promote better skeletal plasticity. Another cause of pain and burning in the upper chest may be high blood pressure.

Typically, problems with blood pressure have a very negative effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, which most often provoke the appearance of such symptoms. In this case, you can normalize your condition with the help of medications that lower your blood pressure.

Burning sensation in the chest when inhaling: causes, treatment

Burning sensation in the chest when inhaling

If you feel a burning sensation with every breath, then high probability we can say that you have problems with respiratory system. Sometimes this symptom appears due to the flu or viral infection. The appearance of such a manifestation provokes an inflammatory process occurring in the respiratory tract. In this case, all unpleasant sensations may intensify against the background of high temperature.

Bronchitis can also trigger a burning sensation in the chest. This disease, in addition to discomfort in the chest area, will also manifest itself as a cough, and the stronger it is, the more noticeable the burning sensation will be. This will be due to the fact that during coughing and expulsion of sputum, the bronchi will be overstrained and injured, and as a result the patient will feel a burning sensation.

These diseases are treated very simply. Most often, the patient is given an appointment vitamin complexes, antibiotics and expectorants. As practice shows, with adequate treatment, after 10 days a person forgets about his problem.

Burning sensation in the chest when walking: causes, treatment

Burning sensation in the chest when walking

A burning sensation in the chest when walking directly indicates that a person has serious problems With musculoskeletal system. As a rule, osteochondrosis and intercostal neuralgia manifest themselves in this way. In this case, discomfort can be felt both during movement and in a calm state.

As for the treatment of these pathologies, it will be identical for both diseases. Patients are required to be prescribed medications that will relieve pain. Depending on the severity of the disease, a person will be given a novocaine blockade up to three times a day. You can also try to alleviate your condition with ointments with an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

But remember, these drugs can relieve discomfort only for a certain time. If you want to get a more lasting result, then you will have to go to physical therapy and special massages. If you want to forget about this problem once and for all, then don’t be lazy and undergo treatment with massages and physical exercise a couple of times a year.

Heaviness, squeezing and burning in the chest, difficulty breathing: symptoms of what disease?

Compression and burning in the chest

Many of us associate pneumonia with severe cough, therefore, if we begin to feel heaviness in the chest, against the background of which breathing problems appear, then most often we begin to look for the cause in the cardiovascular system. Of course, the heart can also react in a similar way to pathological processes, but as practice shows, most often these problems are provoked by pneumonia.

It’s just that while the body is still trying to fight the disease, we feel only indirect symptoms, that is, burning and heaviness in the chest. But as soon as our body gives up, a cough, fever and very severe weakness in the limbs. I would like to say right away what to treat this disease folk remedies absolutely not possible.

Pneumonia is a rather serious disease that requires properly selected treatment. If you miss the right moment, you will definitely have complications, and then the treatment will last a very long time. Most often, patients with this pathology are prescribed antibiotics and drugs that can remove phlegm as quickly as possible.

Burning in the throat and chest with dry cough, colds: causes, treatment

Burning in the throat and chest

Diseases of the log organs can provoke a burning sensation in the throat with a dry cough. Therefore, if you have similar symptoms, then be sure to ask someone in your household to look down your throat. If he sees all the signs of pharyngitis, tonsillitis or tonsillitis, then without delay, start treatment. If you develop a common sore throat, then treat it antibacterial drugs and rinsing.

If you develop pharyngitis or tonsillitis, then in addition to antibiotics you may also need antitussives. Yes, and do not try to get rid of tracheitis and pharyngitis solely with the help of antibiotics. As practice shows, after taking them, patients increasingly have to take medicines that promote the discharge of sputum. In view of this, it will be better if you do not waste time, but immediately begin adequate treatment.

Mild burning sensation in the chest: causes, treatment

Mild burning sensation in the chest

As you probably already understood, a burning sensation in the chest can completely provoke various diseases, in view of this, if you do not want your condition to worsen even more, then start looking for the cause of your problems as soon as unpleasant sensations appear.

Causes of mild burning sensation in the chest:

  • Allergy. If you think that an allergic reaction is only a rash, tearing and redness of the eyes, then you are deeply mistaken. In especially severe cases, this problem can also manifest itself as chest discomfort. This happens due to the fact that the body, trying to get rid of intoxication, is very tense and, as a result, unpleasant sensations appear. You can get rid of the burning sensation that occurs due to allergies with the help of antiallergic drugs.
  • Mental disorders. Sometimes, against the background of overwork or very strong stress, people begin to think that their heart hurts, although after an examination it turns out that everything is fine with it. With such unreasonable discomfort, the body forces a person to stop and rest. Most often in this case the patient is prescribed sedatives, which help the nervous system relax and return to normal.

Severe burning sensation in the chest: causes, treatment

Severe burning sensation in the chest

A very strong and, most importantly, abruptly starting burning sensation should alert you. If your body reacts so violently to the processes occurring inside it, it is likely that this was caused by malignant tumors.

This could be, for example, cancer of the lungs, esophagus, lymphatic system or bronchi. In order to get rid of these problems you will need to go through specific treatment antitumor drugs.

Other reasons strong burning sensation in the chest:

  • Mastopathy. In this case, a burning sensation appears if the disease has become very worse. Almost always, in addition to discomfort, a woman experiences changes in her breasts and discharge of fluid from the nipples. Depending on the type of mastopathy, the woman undergoes surgery or assigned hormone therapy. Also sick representatives of the fairer sex in mandatory drugs like Mastodionone are prescribed.
  • Pathologies of the aorta and pulmonary artery . Both of these diseases are very serious, so if you do not start treating them on time, then the matter may even end up fatal outcome. I would like to say right away that treating these pathologies at home is undesirable. Therefore, no matter how much you want it, still contact a specialist and undergo treatment in a hospital.

Burning sensation in the chest and thoracic spine: causes, treatment

Burning in the chest and thoracic spine

For some people, the burning sensation is felt not only in the chest and in the thoracic spine. Most often, this problem is provoked by osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine. The most unpleasant thing is that such pain can be paroxysmal in nature and intensify after heavy exertion.

If you want to get rid of this disease as quickly as possible, then in addition to painkillers, also take B vitamins, muscle relaxants (they should be used together with diuretic tablets) and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Also, the cause of this problem can be injury to the thoracic spine. If the injury is not very serious (no fractures, cracks or displacements), then you can get rid of the discomfort with the help of pain-relieving gels or ointments.

Burning sensation in the chest during pregnancy: causes, treatment

Burning sensation in the chest during pregnancy

Most often, the cause of a burning sensation in the chest during pregnancy is processes occurring in the body expectant mother. For example, in this way the body can react to a change hormonal levels. In addition, similar problems may appear during the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation. During this time period, discharge from the nipples may also begin and their sensitivity will greatly increase. If, despite all this, you do not experience any other deviations, then you can quite calmly wait until the body rebuilds itself.

If you have a similar problem in the second or third trimester, then this indicates that your spine cannot withstand the load. In this case, it is best not to ignore the discomfort, but to try to get rid of it. Since pregnant women and girls should not get carried away with taking medicines, then try to help yourself with the course light massage or sign up for gymnastics for pregnant women.

Video: Burning chest pain back pain

Pain is a signal that there is a problem in the body or that it is in danger of injury from the outside. Soreness, a feeling of heaviness and a burning sensation in the sternum are symptoms that are unsafe for human health and life to ignore.

A painful burning sensation in the solar plexus area should not be ignored - consult a doctor.

Causes of burning in the middle of the chest

Cardiovascular system disorders

  • Angina is clinical form ischemia of the heart muscle. The duration of the attack does not exceed 15 minutes, is characterized by attacks of chest pain in the middle, has a clearly defined time of onset and subsidence, and can be provoked by a strong emotional shock or physical exertion. Taking nitroglycerin (the tablet is not swallowed, but left to dissolve in the mouth under the tongue) stops the attack within 1-3 minutes.
  • Myocardial infarction is a serious heart disease caused by acute failure its blood supply, accompanied by the appearance of a focus of necrosis in the heart muscle. Early sign heart attack - burning pain behind the sternum or in the left half of the chest, which also has a pressing, squeezing, tearing nature, is not relieved by nitroglycerin tablets, does not weaken for a long time (the duration of the attack is tens of minutes, hours, and sometimes days).

  • Heart neurosis occurs against the background of prolonged psycho-emotional stress due to impaired functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Painful sensations in this pathology are usually observed for a long time, localized in the heart area, and there may be a strong burning sensation in the center of the chest or in its left half. Symptoms do not disappear after taking nitroglycerin, but sedatives can temporarily eliminate or reduce the intensity of pain and burning.
  • Rheumatism and myocarditis are often the result of various allergic and autoimmune diseases, as well as complications of infections.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Functional impairment digestive system occurs due to indigestion, inflammatory processes, infections. In addition to such classic symptoms as a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, belching of air, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, dry mouth or, conversely, excessive salivation, pathologies of the digestive organs can provoke pain and burning in the middle of the sternum. In particular, heartburn can cause serious discomfort to a person when it continues for several hours in a row.

Heartburn occurs due to the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus and irritation of its walls by the contents of the stomach. gastric juice acid. Heartburn can occur both after eating and on an empty stomach. Increases the feeling of discomfort associated with diseases of the digestive system, consumption junk food, eating disorder (overeating or starvation). Irradiation of pain and burning into the chest cavity occurs with gastric ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, and hepatitis.

Respiratory pathologies

Severe burning and painful sensations in the chest a person experiences due to inflammation of the throat, sinuses due to viral and bacterial infections, neoplasms of the throat and nasal cavity. In this case, the pain is activated when coughing, taking a deep breath, its typical localization is upper part sternum:

  • Pneumonia (pneumonia) is usually recognized by a characteristic set of symptoms: shortness of breath, cough, fever, wheezing, general weakness. The appearance of pain and burning in the middle of the sternum may indicate the development of bilateral inflammation.
  • Bronchitis often begins against the background acute rhinitis, laryngotracheitis. Pain and burning in the chest area may occur due to a debilitating cough; in the absence of adequate treatment, respiratory failure may develop.
  • A burning sensation in the thoracic region can be provoked by inflammation of the pleura, abscess, gangrene of the lungs, or accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity.

Back diseases

Spinal injuries, scoliosis and other pathological curvatures spinal column- conditions in which irradiation of pain can spread to the chest. In particular, severe radicular syndrome, osteochondrosis, strangulation intervertebral hernias characterized by pain and burning in the chest, which intensifies with movement and walking.

Mental health disorder

Such pathological conditions, like depression, panic attack, are often accompanied by a number of the most different symptoms, capable of misleading even an experienced diagnostician: differences blood pressure, intestinal upset, abdominal pain. A man complains of lack of air, burning pain behind the sternum, numbness of the limbs, sweating. As a rule, such conditions disturb people with labile nervous system, after significant emotional experiences, and the so-called lump in the throat is a spasm of the neck muscles due to stress.

Physical activity

Both in an adult and in a child this is another possible reason attacks of pain and a feeling of heat in the chest. As a rule, an untrained child experiences unpleasant sensations in the middle behind the sternum, and therefore performing even simple exercises In physical education class it becomes a real test for him. Regular exercise improves immunity and has a positive effect on growing children's body.

Other reasons

  • injuries to the sternum itself (bruise, cracks, fracture) - in the middle, upper or lower part; damage;
  • neuralgia of the intercostal muscles;
  • herpes zoster (herpetic infection);
  • menopause in women (examination and consultation with a gynecologist is required);
  • neoplasms in the chest area (tumors of the lungs, bronchi, esophagus);
  • mechanical damage to the soft tissues of the throat and esophagus due to foreign objects penetrating into them.

A burning sensation in the chest area may indicate a disease internal organs to determine exactly which organ is supplying alarm signal, it is necessary to study in more detail all possible reasons. When this symptom occurs, the patient may develop a feeling of fear, since an unpleasant sensation in the chest can warn of the presence of cardiovascular disease.

Burning and other painful sensations can be caused by various diseases. For example, such sensations can occur due to an attack of angina pectoris or, much worse, during a myocardial infarction. Therefore, a person should be extremely careful if pain in the chest is felt immediately after suffering stress or intense physical activity.

DiseaseBrief description of symptoms
Myocardial infarctionOne of the most dangerous illnesses– myocardial infarction. To recognize it at the first manifestations, you should know exactly about the symptoms. Primary symptom– very severe pain behind the sternum, which becomes burning, pressing, squeezing, and sometimes even unbearable. After taking Nitroglycerin, there is no improvement in well-being. Duration of pain more than 20 minutes. This attack most often occurs when the patient does not expect it - at night or early in the morning.
Ailments of housing and communal servicesIf the patient feels a burning sensation in the chest and/or in the epigastric region, then the presence of a gastrointestinal tract disease can be suspected. In this case, the pain is usually associated with food intake or errors in diet. Decreases after taking antacids.
Respiratory diseasesWhen a problem occurs with the lungs, a person may feel either sudden, severe pain in the chest area, or gradually increasing pain. Unpleasant sensations burning or pain can occur even with minor physical activity, and can also intensify with breathing and coughing.
Angina pectorisThe pain syndrome will be severe. A person can feel a burning sensation during emotional stress or physical activity. The pain is characterized by distension, burning, and pressure behind the sternum. Irradiation of pain: left shoulder blade, shoulder, lower jaw. Such attacks last less than 20 minutes and are stopped by taking Nitroglycerin.
OsteochondrosisIf a person develops this disease in the cervical, thoracic regions spine, the pain may radiate to the chest. It is noteworthy that the intensity of pain will depend on the stage of the disease and physical activity.
Illnesses of a psycho-emotional natureAfter suffering severe stress or in the presence of mental illness a person may feel pain, a burning sensation in the chest. In this case, an examination by a psychotherapist will be required.

Carefully! Each of the above ailments is life-threatening, so if a burning sensation appears behind the sternum, you should immediately call ambulance. For example, an attack accompanied by pain in the chest during a heart attack lasts more than 20 minutes and, in the absence of qualified assistance, can lead to death.

Additional symptoms and chest burning

When pain occurs in the chest on the left, we can talk about left-sided pneumonia . In this case, several more symptoms are added to the burning sensation - cough, shortness of breath and high temperature. Accurate diagnosis determined by the doctor after special examinations. When a pronounced burning sensation is observed in the center of the chest, the patient most likely has influenza complicated by bronchitis.

A burning sensation, which is localized behind the sternum and accompanied by a sour belch, confirms the presence heartburn. Also, pain on the left or in the center of the chest will be observed when vegetative-vascular dystonia. The symptom occurs, in this case, after overwork. To diagnose an attack of VSD, you should pay attention to symptoms such as high level sweating, redness or paleness skin, the person begins to feel feverish.

Attention! A symptom such as a burning sensation in the chest cannot be ignored and muffled with analgesics, since this sign may indicate a threat to life. After manifestations of a painful syndrome, it is imperative to undergo diagnostics of the body.

Carefully! Acute conditions and burning in the chest

As already mentioned, pain can occur when dangerous diseases such as heart attack, myocarditis and angina. To understand which of the ailments made itself felt, you need to familiarize yourself with additional symptoms seizures.

  1. Myocardial infarction. It is characterized by chest pain of a pressing, burning, squeezing or bursting nature with irradiation into left hand, neck, lower jaw, left shoulder blade or interscapular space. It is not relieved by taking nitroglycerin. There may also be atypical symptoms: heaviness, discomfort behind the sternum, pain in the chest of another localization, heaviness, discomfort or pain in the epigastric region, shortness of breath. Such atypical complaints occur in 30% of cases and are more often presented by women, elderly patients, patients with diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure or dementia. An attack of pain may be accompanied by agitation, a feeling of fear, restlessness, sweating, dyspepsia, hypotension, shortness of breath, weakness and even fainting.
  2. Myocarditis. This is a heart disease, which implies a focal or diffuse inflammatory process in the myocardium. This disease develops against the background infectious disease, allergic reactions or toxic heart damage. In addition to the main symptom - pain in the chest, including burning pain, the patient develops shortness of breath, interruptions in heart rate, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, severe weakness.
  3. Angina pectoris. Pain behind the sternum or along the left edge of the sternum is paroxysmal, discomfort or pressing, squeezing, deep dull pain. The attack can be described as tightness, heaviness, lack of air. Associated with physical and emotional stress. Irradiates to the neck, lower jaw, teeth, interscapular space, less often to the elbow or wrist joints, mastoid processes. The pain lasts from 1-15 minutes (2-5 minutes). It is relieved by taking Nitroglycerin and stopping the load.

If the burning and soreness is associated with breathing

Most of the chest is occupied by paired organs - the lungs. Therefore, the occurrence of a burning sensation may be due to inflammation of the lungs or the development of pathological processes in them. The pain usually gets worse with breathing, coughing, or physical activity.

More details about inflammation of the membranes that lead to burning in the chest

Shell nameBrief description
PleurisyA pathology that develops against the background of other ailments, for example, tuberculosis. The patient complains of stabbing pain, which disappears when lying down
PericarditisThis pathology affects the outer lining of the heart. In that case pathological process May be:

Dry (that is, there is no release of any liquid);
exudative (fluid leaks out).

The dry form of pericarditis is characterized by pain in the heart area and cough. But, if exudate is released, it can put pressure on the heart, which causes a burning sensation

Pay attention! Burning sensation may occur due to diseases respiratory tract and heart pathologies. Timely diagnosis is important.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

It should be recognized that the same symptom can warn of various diseases. If ARVI diseases and influenza can be cured and thereby eliminate the painful symptom, then oncological diseases and heart attacks require a quick response and correct treatment tactics. Therefore, if alarming symptoms appear, it is important to go for a diagnosis.

  • basic diagnostics includes the collection of material for detailed research. Also in basic complex includes radiography, fluorography, ultrasound, electrocardiogram. The listed examinations are carried out to find out the exact cause of a burning sensation in the chest area. If doubt arises, the patient may be sent for special diagnostics;
  • special diagnostics includes tomography (computer, magnetic) and fibrogastroscopy.

The final diagnosis is made by the doctor, after which, taking into account individual indicators, he determines the course of therapy. According to the result diagnostic procedures, the patient is sent to a specific specialist (oncologist, pulmonologist, therapist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist).

Attention! Before the patient goes to a medical institution, he must independently try to assess the situation and, if necessary, provide himself with pre-medical care.

Actions for burning in the chest

When unpleasant symptoms occur in the heart, lungs or stomach, it is necessary to call an ambulance as quickly as possible. You cannot relieve pain on your own and endure it if:

  1. Sudden pain occurs in the chest area sharp pain, arises paroxysmal cough and the patient loses consciousness.
  2. In case of a burning sensation that radiates to the shoulder, jaw or shoulder blade.
  3. If the pain does not subside on its own after rest for fifteen minutes.
  4. When symptoms such as fast heart rate are observed, increased sweating, vomiting, which is complemented by a feeling of severe burning in the chest.

How to help yourself?

In any case, if a person feels squeezing, squeezing, or a burning sensation in the middle of the sternum, then the help of a doctor is needed, so you should call an ambulance. Before the team arrives, you can try to fix it yourself. unpleasant symptom, and to do this follow these steps:

  • If the pain occurs immediately after eating, then the person is advised to lie down quickly and not overload himself with physical activity. Depending on the level of acidity in the stomach, you can drink a weak soda solution, which will soothe heartburn;
  • in case of stress, you should try to calm yourself down with the help of breathing exercises(long inhalation and quick exhalation), then take a comfortable position and relax;
  • do not self-medicate in case of heart ailments and respiratory diseases, because this will only worsen the clinical picture.

Pay attention! Will help relieve the burning sensation temporarily herbal decoction(chamomile and sage). But under no circumstances should you ignore main reason chest burning.

A highly qualified doctor will talk about chest pain and heart pain in a video.

Video - Heart pain and chest pain

What does a doctor do?

  1. The first thing the specialist does is study the anamnesis (cardiovascular diseases) of close relatives.
  2. Finds out additional symptoms.
  3. Inquires about taking any medications.
  4. Conducts a detailed inspection to rule out other underlying causes.
  5. Sends the patient for an ECG examination.
  6. Conducts a test to determine the body's response to physical activity.
  7. Recommends undergoing examination of the gastrointestinal tract and angiography.

Preventive measures

For prevention purposes, it is recommended to do exercises daily, but in no case should you start exercising with heavy physical activity. The exercise program must be agreed upon with a physical therapy trainer. Also, the patient must be within his optimal weight and monitor cholesterol levels, take preventive measures against atherosclerosis and hypertension. At the same time, if a person suffers from diabetes, sugar level control should be in the first place. Once every six months it should be carried out full examination body, and if a burning sensation occurs, immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

Video - How to find out what hurts behind the sternum

Often, women experience a burning sensation in their chest; it feels as if it is filling with fire, becoming heavier and hotter than usual. This phenomenon may be associated not only with physiologically determined monthly cycles, but also with pathology that has arisen in the mammary gland. The cause of burning can be varied and before starting the treatment process it is important to accurately determine it. Many try not to attach importance to this and only some go to see a doctor right away, although if this is done in a timely manner, the development of the disease can be prevented at an early stage. Therefore, it is important to know what causes a burning sensation in the chest, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of burning sensation in the mammary glands

It happens that a burning sensation in the chest is caused by harmless reasons that do not require any intervention and are not a reason for panic. This is due to changes in hormone levels associated with:

  • pubertal changes in the body of teenage girls;
  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • menopause.

Less harmless reasons include:

  • pathological changes in the hormonal system, for example, in the event of diabetes mellitus when work is disrupted thyroid gland and adrenal glands, pancreas, in case of malfunctions reproductive system and the like;
  • the formation of cysts and lumps that can be felt in the chest during self-examination;
  • the appearance of tumors of a benign or malignant nature.

Probable diseases

Pathologies that can cause burning in the chest include:

  • development of mastitis or abscess – inflammatory or purulent process in the mammary gland;
  • various types of mastopathy - when compactions form in the tissues in the form of benign neoplasms and cysts (cavities), usually before and during menstruation, these seals increase in size due to the influence of the corresponding sex hormones, so during these periods women begin to feel a burning sensation in the right or left mammary gland, if the formations and cysts have reached a significant size, then a burning sensation in the chest may be accompanied nagging pain, redness of the skin, swelling and soreness of the lymph nodes in the armpit area;
  • appearance malignant tumor– cancer, lymphosarcoma, Paget’s cancer;
  • severe trauma to the chest, resulting in the formation of hematomas, ruptures in tissues, ducts and milk lobes;
  • complications after surgery in the form of inflammation or compression of nerves due to implants, postoperative scars;
  • development of sclerotic changes in the mammary glands - sclerosing adenosis, reactive sclerosis of connective tissue;
  • the occurrence of intercostal neuralgia;
  • development of osteochondrosis;
  • the presence of inflammatory diseases in the chest organs;
  • the appearance of myositis.
  • Many pathologies in the chest that cause burning sensation are hormonal in origin. Most often, this is an imbalance of the normal ratio in the production of the most important female sex hormones - estrogen, progesterone and prolactin. A burning sensation in the mammary gland means that the effect of hormones on this organ and its tissues is abnormal. Endocrinologists characterize these phenomena as dishormonal diseases associated with the mammary glands.

    Burning sensation in the mammary gland on the right and left side

    Sometimes a burning sensation in the chest is felt only on the right or left side. Most likely this is due to injury to one breast. The female mammary gland is a very delicate organ, so even if you received a minor injury a few months ago, the consequences can make themselves felt at any time. This is one of the reasons why a burning sensation is felt in only one gland. Another reason may be the development of mastitis or a tumor in only one of the mammary glands, so only it bakes.

    Burning nipple sensation

    Periodic or regular burning in the nipple area should definitely be a reason to visit a mammologist. Factors of occurrence similar symptom may become pregnancy, lactation, breast-feeding and phase menstrual cycle. In these cases, nipple burning is normal. In addition, this symptom can occur with cracks, tight underwear, as a reaction to hygiene products, deodorants and crack creams. But also a burning sensation in the nipple of the mammary gland can be a symptom of a malfunction hormonal system, mastopathy, cysts, mastitis, adenoma, nipple cancer and other rare pathologies. If we talk about the latter, then it is worth paying attention to other symptoms that indicate likely appearance cancer:

    • the first harbinger of this disease is the appearance of a lump in the mammary gland;
    • burning in the nipple area and the appearance of clear, yellow-green or bloody discharge from them;
    • changing the shape of the nipple, namely its retraction inward;
    • any changes in the nipple and its shape, itching and tingling sensations may be the first signs of nipple cancer or Paget's disease.

    Burning sensation in the mammary glands during menopause

    Senior women age group inevitably face changes in their body associated with menopause. The main symptoms of menopause often lead to frightening thoughts that are associated with the development of serious illnesses. This also applies to the burning sensation in the chest that occurs against the background hormonal changes which causes tissue swelling and pain. In addition, at the onset of menopause, a hormonal imbalance may occur, when some indicators are greatly underestimated, while others are overestimated. This causes poor health in general and, in particular, a feeling of pain and burning in the chest. Changes occur in the mammary gland during this period, which are expressed in imbalance fatty acids, which leads to swelling and burning in the nipple area.

    Also, burning sensation in the chest can be caused by accompanying causes:

    • presence of heart problems;
    • osteochondrosis, which can progress during menopause because a lack of hormones affects bone density and the rate of bone destruction;
    • mastopathy, expressed by pathological tissue proliferation, often appears during menopause and is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

    Unpleasant sensations in the chest area often arise due to the irritable and poor psycho-emotional state of a woman during menopause, which is significantly worsened by taking certain medications and alcohol.

    Regardless of the strength and location of pain during menopause, a woman needs to undergo examinations that can identify any changes in the structure of tissues, such as a cyst or tumor. Only after this can the true causes of pain and burning in the chest be determined. There are alarming symptoms, which require immediate medical attention:

    • there is redness, darkening or wrinkling of the skin in the chest area;
    • there was a change in the shape of one breast;
    • nipples become deformed and change color;
    • discharge appeared;
    • The temperature rose and chills appeared.

    If your health has worsened, your appetite has disappeared, or you feel a loss of strength, then these may be signs of cancer intoxication or a heart attack, so you should urgently call an ambulance.

    Burning of the mammary glands during pregnancy

    Almost immediately after conception, hormonal changes begin in a woman’s body. That's why nausea occurs heavy discharge from the vagina and mood swings. In addition, the pregnant woman begins to darken the nipple circles, and pain and burning appear in the chest; the following changes are also characteristic:

    • swelling of the mammary glands and increase in size;
    • opening of the milk ducts and release of colostrum from them;
    • increased blood circulation, the venous network becomes visible through the skin.

    Most often, chest discomfort goes away by the end of the 12th week, but it happens that it continues throughout pregnancy. Typically, burning of the mammary glands during pregnancy is considered normal. But there are a number of signs that may indicate the development of serious diseases:

    • Very severe pain and burning in the chest;
    • explicit painful sensations under the breast;
    • pain in the center of the chest;
    • seals and lumps appear in the chest;
    • redness occurs on the skin;
    • The temperature of the body and skin in places of redness increases.

    All these symptoms can indicate the occurrence of lactostasis and mastitis; if they are not treated, an abscess will form in the breast, which can often be eliminated with surgery. If an abscess is not treated, the pus first penetrates into the breast milk, and then into the woman’s blood, causing sepsis. Therefore, such a state cannot be triggered.

    Prevention of breast diseases

    To distinguish pathology from the burning sensation that is caused by simple and natural causes, it is enough to conduct an examination at home every month. To do this, you don’t need any special equipment, just a large mirror and the desire to take care of your health.

    Get into the shower, lather yourself, and feel your chest for lumps.

    Breast examination

    Use a towel, stand in front of a mirror and visually evaluate your breasts: have they changed over time? last month? Is there any change in its size - maybe right breast does it seem smaller than the left one, or vice versa?

    Lie on your back - you can immediately after a shower, go to bed, and feel your breasts carefully again. Changes in body position are necessary in order to obtain a more accurate result.

    In addition, it is worth:

    1. Visit a mammologist once a year. Observation by a doctor will accurately identify changes at an early stage if they begin to occur. The doctor can take the necessary actions:
      • carry out palpation professionally;
      • perform magnetic resonance imaging;
      • obtain information about what causes the disease, where the tumors are located, and what their properties are;
      • offer an adequate treatment program, since many diseases can be treated without the use of surgical operations, if you pay attention to them in time.
    2. Get tested once a year for female hormones, which will help identify disturbances in their secretion, in the functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and ovaries.
    3. Do not wear tight, tight underwear. Even if the bra is very beautiful, it is better to give preference to a more comfortable option.
    4. At home, you should take off your bra and give your breasts a rest.

    The better you look after your health, the more likely it is that you won't have to realize that you could have prevented the disease in the most early stages, but didn't do it.

    Burning in the chest - clinical symptom a whole series possible diseases. It manifests itself as a feeling of heat, pressure and discomfort from the inside. There may be a burning sensation in the area of ​​the heart - on the left, in the projection of the lungs - usually in the middle, or a burning sensation in the chest on the right side. Often occurs when physical activity, anxiety, unproductive prolonged cough and other situations.

    Possible causes and treatment of burning in the chest

    Chest pain and burning may indicate various diseases, from not too serious to the most serious, so this symptom is absolutely impossible to ignore.

    So, a burning sensation in the chest is caused by a number of reasons:

    Burning sensation in the chest due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

    Heartburn, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, hernia of the diaphragm or esophagus, colitis, pancreatic diseases, etc. They are the most common. Discomfort occurs due to the splashing out of stomach contents along with hydrochloric acid and enzymes in lower sections esophagus. A burning sensation under the left hypochondrium, for example, indicates inflammation of the pancreas and its ducts. If it really is a gastrointestinal problem, taking medications for heartburn will provide relief. general condition patient.


    It is possible to take Rennie, Maalox, Gaviscon, Festal, as well as weak aqueous solution soda, fresh potato juice and herbal decoctions.

    If the condition does not improve or worsens within 30 minutes, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Burning sensation in the chest due to cardiovascular diseases

    Myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, pulmonary embolism, tachycardia, ischemic disease etc. A burning sensation in the heart or in the middle of the chest appears due to insufficient filling of blood vessels with blood. Distinctive feature– the burning sensation in the heart area subsides after taking nitroglycerin.


    Call an ambulance medical care. Unbutton tight clothing and provide access fresh air. For temporary relief, take Corvalment, Validol, Nitroglesirin.

    Burning sensation in the chest with acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections

    Acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and accompanying flu, sore throat, etc. All inflammatory diseases lungs give a burning sensation in the sternum, increased temperature and general weakness up to fainting. With bilateral pneumonia, the burning sensation in the chest will be constant and intense; with left unilateral inflammation, it will intensify on the left when coughing.


    Urgently call an ambulance if the temperature rises critically. Before the doctors arrive, you can take antipyretic medications and cool compresses.

    In children under 3 years of age, allowing the body temperature to rise to 39 °C is life-threatening.

    After testing in the hospital, symptomatic treatment will be prescribed.

    Psycho-emotional causes of burning in the heart area

    A burning sensation in the heart area or in the middle can also appear against the background of psychoemotional diseases: apathy, depression, panic attacks, Parkinson's syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, etc. Sudden changes in mood, tearfulness, absent-mindedness, loss of appetite, indifference to the outside world may occur, unmotivated aggression, inability to concentrate.


    All appointments are made only after consultation with a neurologist, as well as conversations with the patient and his family.

    Burning sensation in the chest with osteochondrosis

    Osteochondrosis upper sections spine and neck sometimes causes a burning sensation in the chest. Also note that there are no broken or bruised ribs.


    Treatment is prescribed by the doctor after an x-ray examination.

    Diagnosis of burning in the chest

    A burning sensation under the ribs and a burning sensation in the heart area may be manifestations of the same disease. The reasons will be determined only by a series of clinical and laboratory tests:

    • General analysis of blood, urine and sputum
    • Gastroscopy
    • X-ray (or CT scan)
    • Cardiogram of the heart