Wisdom teeth, which is better: to treat or remove them. Wisdom tooth caries is a complex dental disease.

Cervical caries is considered the most dangerous type of caries. It is often diagnosed in 30-60 year old people, children, and people suffering from endocrine diseases.


The gingival area is a difficult-to-reach area for high-quality hygiene care. When brushing, the brush does not completely cover the neck of the tooth, which is why more plaque accumulates here and tartar forms more actively.

  1. They multiply in plaque plaques pathogenic bacteria Streptococcus mutans that produce lactic acid. It negatively affects the surface and subsurface layers of enamel, leaching calcium and fluorine from it and disrupting the mineral crystal lattice of the enamel.
  2. Failure to comply with hygiene rules is not the only reason for the development of cervical caries. The development of the disease can also be provoked by too intensive brushing of teeth, during which the already thin enamel in the neck area becomes thinner (for comparison: 0.1 mm in the neck area and 1.7 mm in the cusp area). The condition of the enamel is also affected by the use of abrasive agents for teeth whitening and the use of certain medications.
  3. Damage to several teeth at once by cervical caries is often observed when endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus and diseases thyroid gland). The fact is that in diabetes the number of representatives pathogenic microflora increases significantly. This leads to accelerated demineralization of dental tissues. A high concentration of glucose in saliva also leads to an increase in the prevalence of tartar and plaques (in diabetes - up to 6.33 mg, normally - up to 3.33 mg)


  1. Caries in the spot stage. The color of the enamel in the cervical area varies from white chalky to pigmented spots. In a limited area of ​​enamel, shine is lost. From sour and other chemical and temperature irritants, a quickly passing feeling of soreness may occur.
  2. Stage of superficial caries. A shallow defect appears within the enamel. Roughness appears in the center of the white or pigmented spot.
  3. Average caries. The shallow carious cavity is filled with softened dentin. The damage is shallow and does not affect the layers adjacent to the pulp.
  4. Deep caries. A deep carious cavity appears with overhanging edges of the enamel, filled with softened dentin. Frequent complication- pulpitis.


Stage Symptoms
In the spot stage Lack of response to temperature stimuli
Surface The appearance of short-term pain from sweet, salty, sour. Short-term pain at the neck of the tooth when exposed to temperature stimuli. Pain when brushing your teeth with a hard brush (in areas with a thin layer of enamel).
Average Pain when exposed to chemical, temperature, mechanical irritants, which quickly passes after the irritant is eliminated
Deep Pain when exposed to chemical, temperature, mechanical stimuli. The occurrence of long-term pain when caught and stuck in carious cavity food leftovers. Pain when chewing. Painful sensations when inhaling cold air.

How to treat - a review of effective methods

How to treat cervical caries in a dental clinic

Depending on the stage of dental caries, various treatment methods can be used.

In the spot stage

  1. ICON technique (treating the tooth with an etching gel, filling the damage with a special composite composition).
  2. Remineralization. Its goal is to saturate the enamel with calcium and fluoride.

Remineralizing drugs used in dental clinics:

  • Tiefenfluorid - enamel-sealing liquid;
  • Gluflutored;
  • Remodent;
  • Belagel Ca/P;
  • Calcium gluconate solution;
  • Sodium fluoride solution;
  • Fluorine-containing varnish (fluorine varnish, bifluoride-12).

Treatment in later stages

In advanced cases, treatment of the carious cavity and filling are required. If the dentin is deeply damaged, root canal treatment or nerve removal may be required.

Filling is performed in stages:

  1. Professional cleaning(removal of dental plaque and stone).
  2. Determination of enamel color (for selection of material).
  3. Gum pushback (necessary to treat the affected area under the gum).
  4. Treatment of the carious cavity with a bur, removal of necrotic tissue.
  5. Isolation of the tooth from saliva with a rubber dam (it is necessary that the filling does not fall out within 2-3 months).
  6. Treatment of dentin and enamel with adhesive (for reliable adhesion filling material with dental tissues), if necessary, applying an insulating and therapeutic pad.
  7. Placing a filling light polymerization, grinding and polishing with fine-grained discs.

The choice of material depends on the location of the carious cavity - near the edge of the gum or under it. In the presence of subgingival defects, the dentist's choice falls on a material that hardens in a humid environment (isolation from liquid is practically impossible). We are talking about glass ionomer cements (VITREMER), which have high strength and a triple curing mechanism. In addition, light-curing composites (Filtek, Enamel, Charisma), compomers, ormocers (organically modified ceramics with high biocompatibility) are used.

To return the tooth to its aesthetic and functional parameters, some dentists combine 2-3 filling materials, which allows them to cope with complex clinical cases.

To treat or not?

Cervical caries is fraught not only with problems of an aesthetic nature and the periodic occurrence of pain. The main danger is complete destruction tooth and its removal.

Other complications:

  • Pulpitis with acute pain;
  • Gingivitis (inflammation of gum tissue);
  • Periodontitis (inflammation of periodontal tissues);
  • Phlegmon (inflammatory process in the tissues of the head and neck).

Is it painful to treat cervical caries?

Patients who are afraid of the drill are often interested in whether it hurts to remove cervical caries. If dentin is damaged and caries has gone beyond the enamel and mechanical treatment of the cavity is required, then anesthesia is required. The fact is that the defect area is located very close to the gum, and the dentist’s manipulations can be really painful.

Can be used:

  • Superficial application anesthesia of hard tissues;
  • Regional injection;
  • Electroanalgesia;
  • Acupuncture analgesia;
  • Anesthesia.

What instrument is used to remove caries in the cervical area?

Treatment at home

For treatment at home you can use:

  • Toothpastes and gels;
  • Dental floss impregnated with fluoride;
  • Rinse aids.

Remineralizing gels and special toothpastes are effective only in the case of cervical caries in the spot stage. Choosing such a product on your own is quite difficult and there are several reasons for this:

  1. At the spot stage, cervical caries is almost always visually invisible, and the detected defect may turn out to be a disease of non-carious origin, pigmented plaque, or still cervical caries, but in the superficial or middle stage.
  2. Treatment with drugs chosen in the pharmacy network may be ineffective, because... must be taken into account general condition health, depth of lesion and area of ​​cervical caries.
  3. Wrong choice of funds for home treatment may cause harm to dental health. For example, the use of products with a high fluoride content can cause the development of fluorosis.

Advanced caries of the tooth neck can be cured only by removing the softened affected tissue.

Treatment with folk remedies

If a visit to the dentist is impossible due to insurmountable circumstances, then folk methods will help stop the development of cervical caries and get rid of pain.

Sage tincture

1 tbsp. herbs pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, after an hour of infusion, strain and use for rinsing. In order to prevent the spread of carious lesions, a cotton wool soaked in the tincture can be applied to the enamel.


Propolis is rolled into a pea and applied for 30 minutes. per tooth To prevent the propolis from softening, place a cotton swab on top.

Onion peel tincture

3 tbsp. husks are poured into 500 ml. Boiling water is brought to a boil over medium heat, filtered and kept in a cool place for 8 hours, and then used for rinsing.

Calamus tincture

1/2 cup of calamus root is crushed and poured into 500 ml. vodka, leave for a week, then rinse the aching tooth with the tincture for 1-3 minutes. To fill microcracks, you can add 10-20 g. alcohol tincture propolis.

Herbal rinse

  • Collection 1: St. John's wort, dried chamomile and calendula flowers (1 tbsp each). Pour 2 tbsp. boiling water and leave for an hour.
  • Collection 2: lemon balm, nettle and strawberry leaves, wheatgrass and knotweed root (in equal parts). Measure out 2 tbsp. l., fill them with 300 ml. boiling water and simmer in a thermos for 2 hours.
  • Collection 3: fennel fruits and mint leaves (25 g each). Infuse in 500 ml. alcohol for 3 months, after which rinse the mouth, dissolving 1 tsp. tinctures in a glass of warm water.

Toothpaste, gels, rinses and ointments for cervical caries

Anti-caries toothpastes

  • Strengthen the mineral tissues of the tooth with fluorine and calcium compounds;
  • Prevents the formation of dental plaque;
  • Blocks the growth of bacteria in plaque.

In the stain stage, the following pastes show good results:

  • Lacalut Fluor(strengthens and restores damaged enamel);
  • Remodent(from animal bones, its use leads to an improvement in the composition and structure of tooth enamel);
  • Colgate Maximum(increases caries resistance by restoring the hydroxyapatite crystal);
  • Apadent(contains nano-hydroxypatite, the particles of which fill microcracks in tooth enamel and enhance the mineral flow of saliva);
  • Signal(fluoride-containing pastes with therapeutic and prophylactic effects);
  • Blend-a-med(the fluoristat system of the paste retains calcium well in tooth enamel).


Therapeutic gel Fluocal

This relatively new dosage form Chemically incompatible substances may be included (since the aqueous shell prevents the reaction between them). They are effective when used as an application for both prevention and treatment of cervical caries in the spot stage.

WITH therapeutic purpose used:

  • Fluocal;
  • Fluodent;
  • Elmex;
  • Gel R.O.C.S. for office use.

Gels are applied to the teeth with a brush or a special application spoon for 3-4 minutes at certain intervals (they are installed by the dentist).

Therapeutic and prophylactic rinses

Are aid with remineralizing therapy in the spot stage. They are used 1-2 times a day according to the instructions, intensively passing between the teeth.

Popular anti-caries rinses:

  • Oral-B;
  • 32 Bionorm;
  • Caries Protect;
  • Caries Protect;
  • Colgate Plax.

Anti-caries creams

Tooth Mousse- a water-soluble cream that restores the mineral balance of the oral environment in case of salivation pathologies, after curettage, teeth whitening, etc. This cream is suitable for children when other fluoride-containing preparations are not suitable due to age restrictions.

Tooth Mousse has been proven to “suspend” the development of caries on primary teeth and allow the use of anesthesia to be delayed. Apply the cream to the areas affected by cervical caries with a cotton swab for 2-5 minutes.


Complication What to do
Pain in the gums after treatment. Inflammation of the gums can occur due to poor quality root canal filling, filling material getting under the gum and on it, unsuccessful introduction anesthesia, trauma received during treatment. Repeated filling of the canals, rinsing the gums with chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Stomatophyte, Rotokan
Secondary caries. Relapse occurs when incomplete removal necrotic masses, if the insulating gasket is applied incorrectly. In this case, the person is bothered discomfort when exposed to temperature and chemical irritants, sweets. Filling removal and re-treatment
Pain when biting. Occurs after the installation of a filling that prevents the teeth from completely closing. Correction of the filling surface
Filling falling out. Possibly due to violation of the technology for installing the filling, unreliable isolation of the tooth from saliva when installing the gasket and filling, or the use of low-quality filling material. A filling that is too large may also fall out. This happens when a doctor recommends installing a crown, but the patient insists on filling. Contact your dentist as soon as possible to correct the filling error.
Sensitivity of teeth after treatment. Pain may occur when pressing or eating hot/cold food. Treatment of the canals, if after 2-4 weeks excessive sensitivity does not decrease

Cervical caries in children

The main reason for the development of cervical caries in children is insufficient thickness of enamel on baby teeth. It rarely reaches 1 mm and, due to certain difficulties in maintaining child oral hygiene, pathogenic microflora actively develops on it.

Cervical caries primarily occurs on the incisors upper jaw. While sucking on the nipple of the bottle, the main surfaces of the tooth are cleaned, but the cervical area does not have contact with the nipple. Gradually, microbes surround the entire tooth around the gum and corroded dark spots appear on all sides. Lower teeth When eating from a bottle, they are protected by the tongue, so caries rarely occurs on them.

Without timely treatment caries affects the entire tooth and it must be removed.

Treatment of cervical caries during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there is a high probability of cervical defects in the hard tissues of the tooth and the development of caries. Pregnancy is not a contraindication to treatment, however, taking into account the toxic effects of anesthesia, it is worth doing it in the second trimester.

If there is no risk of exacerbation in the third trimester, then it is advisable to postpone treatment to the postpartum period.

In the first and third trimesters, only emergency interventions are performed.

Cervical caries and wedge-shaped defect

Wedge-shaped defect is a disease of non-carious origin. It differs visually from cervical caries. So, with caries, the damaged surface has irregular shape And brown, the enamel is loose and rough, and with a wedge-shaped effect there is simply a V-shaped depression, no darkening of the enamel occurs.


  1. Endogenous drug-free. Introduction to the diet of foods rich in amino acids, proteins, vitamins, consumption of calcium and fluorine-containing products.
  2. Endogenous medicinal. Taking calcium and fluoride supplements by children, pregnant women, and people at risk.
  3. Exogenous drug-free. Careful hygiene using therapeutic and prophylactic pastes, professional hygiene , drinking milk and tea slowly, limiting carbohydrate intake, replacing sugar with sweeteners.
  4. Exogenous medicinal. Local application of remineralizing agents, rinsing.

Treatment price

The cost of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, status dental clinic and the filling material used. Average cost of treatment for untreated basal caries1600-4000 rubles. If the channels are damaged, this figure rises to 6,000 rubles.

If remineralization is indicated, the price of treatment will be lower. Coating one tooth with enamel-sealing liquid will cost 500 rubles, and complex fluoridation TUS MUS up to 4,000 rubles.

Additional expenses: removal of dental plaque (up to 4,000 rubles per jaw).

Frequently Asked Questions

Tooth hurts after filling cervical caries

If the pain decreases over time, then this is a normal reaction of the body to the intervention. An increase in pain occurs in the case of inflammation in the gum and pulp, incomplete removal of necrotic tissue by the dentist, penetration of filling material into the tooth, or violation of the filling hardening technology, which led to nerve injury.

How soon can you drink after treatment of cervical caries?

After treatment you cannot eat for 2 hours, you can drink, but only warm plain water without impurities. It is also better to abstain for 2 hours.

Why does the tooth react to tapping after treatment of cervical caries?

There may be several options - from the natural adaptation of the tooth to a new environment to errors in treatment, for example, the filling is too high, they made a mistake with the diagnosis (cervical caries turned out to be deep) and placed a filling without a gasket. If symptoms increase, contact your doctor for re-treatment.

What vitamins should you take for cervical caries?

Patients with a rapid form of enamel demineralization need complex therapy, affecting the immunological state of the body. So, for cervical caries, dentists recommend taking:

  • ascorbic acid (0.1-0.2 g per day);
  • vitamins A and E in oil (regulate phosphorus-calcium metabolism, a deficiency of these elements leads to a decrease in the resistance of teeth to caries);
  • calcium preparations (glycerophosphate, gluconate, calcium pantothenate, lactate) in courses 2-3 times a year;
  • fluoride preparations (sodium fluorate, fluoride) 1 mg twice a day;
  • phosphorus preparations (phytin) 3 times a day, 0.25 g.

In addition to the above, for the synthesis of the complete bone structure, teeth need vitamin K1, silicon and manganese (participate in the synthesis of collagen, an element of the organic matrix of teeth). They are part of many vitamin and mineral complexes designed to strengthen teeth and reduce the risk of developing cervical caries (DentoVitus, Caltsinova, CalciumOsteoporosis, Forever Kids, Duovit, Centrum).

Caries in the cervical area under the gum

Subgingival caries is root caries in most cases. It is necessary to apply for an in-person examination.

Is it possible to put braces on cervical caries?

Teeth affected by cervical caries are healed until the installation of braces. Before installation, it is necessary to remove plaque and strengthen the enamel with fluoride and calcium containing preparations. If caries occurs while wearing braces, then the arch is removed from the diseased tooth, but this is extremely undesirable.

Treatment of cervical caries with nerve removal

Such treatment will be required if cervical caries has complicated to pulpitis, which has led to an acute inflammatory process in the pulp. In this case, the patient complains of sharp pain and the dentist may decide to remove the nerve.

Is it possible to put a crown on a tooth with cervical caries?

A crown cannot be placed on a tooth with decaying enamel, because... caries will eat the tooth anyway. First you need to cure tooth decay.

How to cure cervical caries of a wisdom tooth

The easiest way to treat a wisdom tooth affected by caries is - remove the problematic "eight".

The cause of this disease is the accumulation of bacterial plaque and poor hygiene. “Eights” erupt late, on average after 18 - 20 years, and sometimes remain partially unerupted (impacted). In this case, the wisdom teeth are located far in oral cavity, and it is almost impossible to clean them properly. If part of the crown is located under the gum, a so-called gum hood is formed, where food particles easily fall, and the tooth is destroyed even faster. These factors are the main reasons for the appearance of caries on the figure eight.

Symptoms of wisdom tooth caries

The main danger of the disease is that for a long time it is asymptomatic. And if the patient ignores regular preventive examinations at the dentist, then he will learn about the problem already deep stage. For example, cervical caries of a wisdom tooth is often discovered only when the patient begins to suffer from sudden pain.

First appears on the enamel dark spot, but it is difficult to see, because the tooth is located far away and at an angle. There are no painful sensations because the enamel is devoid of nerve endings.

As the disease progresses, it continues to destroy the enamel and reaches the dentin. The first symptoms are already beginning to appear - bad smell from the mouth, and sometimes short-term pain under the influence of mechanical, temperature and chemical stimuli. You need to remember: if your wisdom tooth hurts, caries with high probability is the reason.

Dentin is a porous tissue, so at the middle stage the disease begins to progress very quickly: demineralization of the tooth occurs, and necrotic changes begin. For deep caries Wisdom teeth are characterized by damage to hard tissues, which is why the tooth reacts strongly to hot and cold, sour and sweet. A prolonged aching pain occurs, the coronal part is severely destroyed.

Wisdom tooth caries - treat or remove?

It is important to remember that to let the carious process take its course, even initial stage impossible: the infection spreads quickly, and soon even healthy organs oral cavity. It's time to answer the question that torments many: if wisdom tooth caries is detected, what to do - therapy or removal?

Removal of a wisdom tooth with caries is indicated

  • A wisdom tooth is a rudiment that is practically not used in the chewing process, and there is little benefit from it.
  • Eights are located far away, access to them is limited, which makes it very difficult to carry out quality treatment. This increases the likelihood of re-infection.
  • The therapy is tiring for the patient because he has to sit with wide open mouth. This is especially true for the treatment of caries upper tooth wisdom.

As a rule, removal is indicated in cases where the tooth is dystopic and/or impacted, permanently injures the cheeks and tongue, and causes inflammatory processes due to difficult eruption. Whether to remove a wisdom tooth with caries, if it grows normally and does not cause any problems, should be decided individually together with a specialist.

Treatment of wisdom tooth caries

Despite the irrationality of preserving the eight tooth, sometimes the doctor recommends abandoning extreme measures and prescribes treatment for the eighth tooth.

Indications for removal of a wisdom tooth with caries

  • Caries is at an early stage: the tooth can be saved, and treatment will not be difficult or expensive.
  • The figure eight is involved in prosthetics - for example, it is a support for a bridge or clasp prosthesis.
  • The tooth erupts normally, without deviations.
  • There is an antagonist that will ensure uniform distribution of the chewing load.
  • Removing a wisdom tooth with caries is contraindicated due to pregnancy or other reasons, but it is necessary to stop the spread of infection.

Therapy proceeds as follows:

  1. the affected tissue is removed with a drill;
  2. the resulting cavity is disinfected antiseptics, an insulating gasket is placed on the bottom;
  3. the cavity is filled layer by layer composite material, which hardens under the influence of a photopolymer lamp;
  4. The shape of the tooth is adjusted using a drill so that it looks natural and ensures complete closure with the antagonist tooth.

So if you are wondering whether wisdom teeth cure tooth decay, then the answer is yes. However, it is important to consult a specialist in time and not to advance the disease.

Deep caries of wisdom tooth

If the development of the carious process is not stopped in time, the infection will gradually penetrate deeper and eventually reach the pulp. Inflammation in the pulp tissue is called pulpitis and is accompanied by aching pain, which is difficult to ignore. It is not easy to treat deep caries of a wisdom tooth, as it is necessary to fill it root canals, and the roots of eights are usually curved. Untreated pulpitis can develop into more serious illnesses- wisdom tooth cyst or periodontitis, which are much more difficult to combat.

Why do wisdom teeth hurt after caries treatment?

Sometimes patients complain that their wisdom tooth hurts after caries treatment. In this case, we can talk about residual symptoms that last about a week, gradually disappearing. However, sometimes this indicates poor quality work by the doctor or the onset of complications. If after treatment the pain does not become less intense or if it recurs after a long period of time - several weeks or months, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Not only do wisdom teeth cause a lot of problems for patients due to their improper placement, but they are also more susceptible to caries than others.

Wisdom teeth (they are also called eighth teeth, “eights”, third molars) appear at the age of 18-25, but in some patients they may not erupt at all. It is extremely rare to find lucky people who do not have “eights” at all, even the rudiments.

The reasons for the development of caries in wisdom teeth are the same as in other teeth: poor hygiene (microorganisms of plaque), an abundance of carbohydrates in food, heredity. However, there is one factor that sharply aggravates the situation - the location of the eighth tooth in the dental arch.

Often third molars do not erupt completely and are inclined buccally or medially (towards the seventh tooth). Under the gum that covers part of the crown (this gum is called the “hood”), food constantly accumulates, and cleaning the tooth is difficult due to its distant location and tilt in any direction.

The constant accumulation of dental plaque, in which cariogenic microorganisms live, is the main factor in the development of caries in wisdom teeth and their further destruction.

Clinical picture

The course of caries of the eighth tooth can be asymptomatic, the patient is not bothered by anything (especially on early stages). With a deep carious cavity, sensitivity from cold, hot and sweet food, however, the pain quickly passes (immediately after the action of the irritant is eliminated).

Upon examination, a carious cavity is identified in the third molar, probing of which can be sensitive in the area of ​​the enamel-dentin border. Dentin is either soft and light brown, or dense and dark. Tapping on a tooth is painless.

Differential diagnosis

Figure eight caries must be distinguished from chronic pulpitis and periodontitis.

With pulpitis, pain from irritants lasts longer than with a carious process. At the same time, the carious cavity is deeper, its probing is sharply painful at one point.

Apical periodontitis is characterized by positive percussion, as well as changes in the apical region on the radiograph.


Treatment tactics for caries of the eighth tooth (both upper and lower jaw) depends on many factors. The presence of a carious cavity in itself is not a reason for placing a filling. It is worth noting that the indications for the removal of wisdom teeth are significantly expanded compared to ordinary teeth.

So, what you need to pay attention to:

  • The location of the third molar in the dental arch - if the tooth has erupted unevenly (outside the arch, with a buccal or lingual slope), in most cases it must be removed.
  • Chronic pericoronitis with periodic exacerbations - if, as the “eight” erupts, the gum around it repeatedly becomes inflamed, such a tooth must be removed to avoid subsequent exacerbations (which can lead to severe purulent complications– abscesses and phlegmons).
  • Biting your cheek with a wisdom tooth is an indication for its removal.
  • The absence of the opposite tooth (antagonist) - in this case, the eighth tooth does not perform its function (chewing food), so its treatment is pointless. More often, doctors are inclined to remove such teeth.
  • Impossibility therapeutic treatment– there are a number of factors that make it difficult to treat the last tooth, for example, poor mouth opening by the patient. If treatment is technically impossible, the carious “eight” must be removed.
  • Presence or absence of adjacent teeth (first and second molars) – this factor is important in prosthetics: if the sixth or seventh tooth is missing, then doctors try, if possible, to save the carious wisdom tooth, since it can be useful as a support for a bridge.
  • Orthodontic pathologies - very often the eruption of the lower “eights” leads to crowding of the anterior incisors and canines. In this case, orthodontists recommend removing all wisdom teeth, after which orthodontic treatment regarding teeth straightening.

As we see, in most cases, dentists do not stand on ceremony with eighth teeth, often referring patients to have them removed. Only if the wisdom tooth has erupted exactly in the arch, they can try to heal it (put a filling).

If you compare wisdom teeth with other teeth in the oral cavity, you can see that they are characterized by a non-standard location, as well as an increased tendency to caries. In the professional slang of dentists, these teeth are called “eights” or third molars. Middle age The appearance of wisdom teeth occurs between 18 and 25 years, but there are many people who have not encountered the appearance of so-called eights in their entire lives.

The key factors for carious lesions in wisdom teeth are no different from the occurrence of caries on other teeth. By its nature, carious lesions are the result of the vital processes of microorganisms that multiply in the human oral cavity and are part of dental plaque. The rate of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms can be accelerated by violation of personal hygiene rules (infrequent cleansing of the oral cavity), hereditary predisposition to the development of caries, as well as excessive consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates. One more important factor carious lesions of the third molars is their location in the area of ​​the dental arch.

Some people experience incomplete eruption of wisdom teeth, with one part of the molar remaining covered by gum, under which food accumulates and pathogens multiply. These conditions are favorable for the development of caries and tooth decay. Regardless of the cause of caries, this condition brings a lot of discomfort and pain to a person, so it is recommended to approach the issue of treating a diseased tooth in a timely manner.

Symptoms of wisdom tooth caries

The early stage of development of carious lesions of the third molar is characterized by an asymptomatic course. Depending on the extent of the carious process, a person may be bothered by the following clinical symptoms:

  1. Initial stage. Carious lesions in the initial stage are characterized by an asymptomatic course. When examining a damaged wisdom tooth, the presence of a miniature cavity is noted that does not extend beyond the enamel. Since this fabric does not contain nerve endings, the person does not complain of discomfort and painful sensations
  2. The stage of the so-called middle caries. As the carious lesion deepens, a person begins to complain of pain when eating sweet, cold or hot foods. This pain is short-term in nature and goes away on its own after the irritant is eliminated. An objective examination of the tooth at this stage reveals a moderate-sized cavity containing softened dentin. If the dentist proceeds to probe this cavity, the person complains of sharp pain
  3. Stage of deep caries. This condition is characterized by intense pain that develops in response to minimal exposure to an irritant. In this case, a person with a carious lesion in a wisdom tooth indicates that the pain is short-lived and disappears after the irritant is eliminated. When examining such a tooth, a deep cavity is discovered, upon probing of which pain is felt. In addition to those mentioned clinical signs, not marked pathological changes in the mucous membrane surrounding the damaged tooth.

If a person begins to make daily complaints about pain syndrome in the area of ​​the damaged molar, we can safely talk about transition pathological process on the dental nerves.

Types of carious areas

The classification of carious areas when wisdom teeth are affected does not have any distinctive features compared to other teeth. Depending on the location, depth of caries prevalence and area of ​​anatomical location, there are various types carious areas.

By location

Depending on the location of the pathological changes, there are the following types of carious areas:

  • Fissure caries. This type of lesion is one of the most common. Such caries is most rarely determined by visual inspection, but its danger lies in the fact that over time it spreads to deep-lying tooth tissues. The term “fissures” refers to small grooves that are noticeable on the chewing surface of molars. If the fissures are deep, cleaning them may be difficult.
  • Interdental caries. It is easy to guess that the location of the carious area is the area between the teeth, in which very often accumulates large number carious bacteria. Such caries is very difficult to determine by visual examination, so many patients turn to the dentist already at the stage of tooth root damage
  • Cervical caries. This type of pathological process is characterized by the formation of carious lesions in the area of ​​​​contact between the gum and tooth. Such a lesion is characterized by a long asymptomatic course, and the reason for contacting the dentist is sudden intense pain.

According to the depth of the pathological process

If we take into account the depth of the spread of caries, we can distinguish the following options for the development of caries:

  • Caries at the spot stage
  • Superficial caries. This type of pathological process is characterized by demineralization of tooth enamel with its subsequent destruction
  • Average caries. This type of pathological damage to any of the teeth occurs after superficial caries and is characterized by damage to the border between enamel and dentin
  • Deep caries. This pathology characterized by irreversible destruction of tooth tissue against the background of activation of carious microflora. When examining a wisdom tooth damaged by deep caries, a thin layer of dentin is found between the pulp and the bottom of the carious cavity

If we talk about the classification of carious areas according to their anatomical location, then in dental practice, caries of cement, enamel and dentin are distinguished.

Difficulties in treating eights

Features of wisdom teeth treatment differ from the plan therapeutic measures, which are realized with carious lesions of other teeth. The difficulty of treatment for damage to the 8th tooth lies in the fact that pathological changes are usually detected at the stage of medium or deep caries. Besides, anatomical features the location of wisdom teeth does not allow dentists to use wide range therapeutic measures.

The primary stage of treatment for such teeth is drilling out tissues damaged by caries. After this, the dentist performs an antiseptic treatment of the cavity, applying a special gasket and filling.

The final stage of treatment is restoration of the anatomical shape of the dental crown. The process can be complicated by the spread of a carious lesion to the root of the tooth, since only a highly qualified and experienced dentist will help to thoroughly go through the root canals of the tooth.

Plan diagnostic measures if a carious lesion of a wisdom tooth is suspected, it includes interviewing the patient, examining the molar itself using a dental mirror, as well as assessing sensitivity using a button probe.

Treat or remove

For a person who is faced with carious lesions of wisdom teeth, it is topical issue about whether this problem can be solved using conservative treatment, or the damaged tooth must be removed. The decision to extract the third molar is made by the dentist individually, taking into account the particularities of the clinical case. It is advisable to treat a carious wisdom tooth if it is not partially covered by a gum hood, since its presence will cause permanent tooth destruction. Another argument in favor of preserving the wisdom tooth is the presence of the so-called antagonist of the 3rd molar, located on the opposite side. The following factors may serve as arguments for extracting a damaged wisdom tooth:

  1. Chronic course of pericoronitis, accompanied by periods of relapse. If the patient complains of periodic cases of inflammation of the gingival tissue located around the damaged tooth, then this is a direct indication for molar extraction
  2. Regular damage to soft tissues in the cheek area due to improper placement of wisdom teeth
  3. Absence or presence of adjacent second and first molars. This factor is especially relevant for people who are preparing for prosthetics. If the first and second molars are missing, dentists will try to preserve the damaged wisdom tooth as a support for bridges.
  4. The impossibility of carrying out therapeutic measures to eliminate carious lesions. One of these factors is the patient’s inability to fully open the mouth.
  5. Orthodontic pathologies. The appearance of wisdom teeth is very often accompanied by a decrease in the space between the canines and incisors, which leads to their crowding. In this situation, the dentist’s tactics are to remove all the “eights” and then orthodontic correction misaligned teeth

In the process of deciding whether to remove or preserve a damaged wisdom tooth, medical specialists rely not only on the previously mentioned indications for extraction, but also on the advantages and disadvantages different methods treatment. The main advantages of removing carious “eights” include:

  • Complete elimination of a chronic source of infection
  • No risk of dental crowding
  • Financial savings on re-treatment carious tooth
  • Radical deliverance from pain associated with molar damage

The negative aspects of the extraction procedure include:

  • There is a risk of postoperative complications
  • If a person plans to install dentures, then removing the “eights” is fraught with a lack of support for prosthetic structures

In turn, therapeutic tactics for carious lesions of wisdom teeth have the following advantages:

  • Additional support is maintained in case of need for dental prosthetics
  • Saved “eights” will speed up and facilitate chewing

It is not always advisable to treat carious wisdom teeth, so the following can be noted as the disadvantages of this procedure:

  • Risk of caries recurrence
  • Related financial costs
  • Spread of infection not only to other teeth, but also outside the oral cavity

In the absence of symptoms of pericoronitis, as well as in the case of the location of a carious wisdom tooth strictly in jaw arch, dentists make efforts to preserve the molar by cleaning the carious cavity and placing a sealed filling. If necessary conditions are absent, then doctors try to resort to extraction of the damaged tooth. This intervention is a full-fledged operation that is performed under local anesthesia. After removing a damaged tooth, in order to prevent alveolitis, the patient undergoes thorough antiseptic and mechanical treatment, followed by suturing (if necessary).